Machine Learning
Workshop: Part Five

Convolutional neural networks
Recognizing images
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Convolutional neural network architecture
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

[by Adit Deshpande]
Peeking into a convolutional neural network

http://scs.ryerson.ca/~aharley/vis/ [by Adam Harley]
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Visualizing high-dimensional space
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

MNIST dataset has 784 (28x28 greyscale pixels) dimensions
Generative Adversarial Networks
Generating images of faces
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Generative Adversarial Networks
Counterfeiter and detective
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Generative Adversarial Networks
Latent vector arithmetic on faces
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Man with glasses
Man without glasses
Woman without glasses
Woman with glasses
Time series prediction with neural networks

What is happening? What is most likely to happen next?
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
This is a job for a Recurrent Neural Network
What is happening? What is most likely to happen next?
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Music composition with an RNN

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Predicting the most likely next note

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Playing a duet with neural networks

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Playing a duet with neural networks

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Through the Eyes of a Self-Driving Tesla
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Summary of links

Andrew Ng video:
Iris flower dataset:
Visual neural net server:
Visual neural net client:
Deep Learning for Java: http://deeplearning4j.org
Spring initializr: http://start.spring.io
A.I Duet application: http://aiexperiments.withgoogle.com/ai-duet/view/
Self driving car video: https://vimeo.com/192179727
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Machine Learning

Workshop: Part One
Machine Learning Exposed Workshop: Part Five
By javafxpert
Machine Learning Exposed Workshop: Part Five
Part five of Machine Learning Exposed workshop. Shedding light on machine learning, being gentle with the math.
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