Machine Learning

About Presenter Katharine Beaumont
Writer and editor for Voxxed, interviewer for Devoxx and Voxxed Days, developer for fun :-)
Perpetual student, wandering into software development from maths, science, publishing, politics, law...

Developer / Mathematician / Writer / Speaker - Voxxed

About Presenter James Weaver
Java Champion, JavaOne Rockstar, plays well with others, etc :-)

Author of several Java/JavaFX/RaspPi books

Developer Advocate & International Speaker for Pivotal
From introductory video in Machine Learning course (Stanford University & Coursera) taught by Andrew Ng.

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Self-driving cars
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Generating image descriptions

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Supervised Learning

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Supervised learning regression problem

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Unsupervised Learning

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Unsupervised learning finds structure in unlabeled data

(e.g. market segment discovery, and social network analysis)
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Reinforcement Learning

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
AlphaGo is a recent reinforcement learning success story

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Supervised Learning

(Let's dive in now)
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Supervised learning classification problem

(using the Iris flower data set)

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Visualizing Iris dataset with TensorFlow tool
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Modeling the brain works well with machine learning
(ya think?)


@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Anatomy of an Artificial Neural Network

(aka Deep Belief Network when multiple hidden layers)

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Neural net visualization app (uses Spring and DL4J)

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Entering feature values for prediction (classification)

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Visual Neural Network application architecture

Spring makes REST services and WebSockets easy as π
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

The app leverages machine learning libraries found at deeplearning4j.org

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

To quickly create a Spring project, visit start.spring.io

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Summary of links

Andrew Ng video:
Iris flower dataset:
Visual neural net server:
Visual neural net client:
Deep Learning for Java: http://deeplearning4j.org
Spring initializr: http://start.spring.io
A.I Duet application: http://aiexperiments.withgoogle.com/ai-duet/view/
Self driving car video: https://vimeo.com/192179727
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Machine Learning

Workshop: Part One
Machine Learning Exposed Workshop: Part One
By javafxpert
Machine Learning Exposed Workshop: Part One
Part one of Machine Learning Exposed workshop. Shedding light on machine learning, being gentle with the math.
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