Make Dat Money


By Jason Dobry

Problem #1

Need Clean Data

Inconsistent intervals, 
crazy numbers in off ours, etc.


Clean it

Gathered data every hour on the hour from operational hours

Problem #2

Predicting Returns

Predict next hourly data point?
Or predict opening value?
Closing value?
Um, how?

Attempt #1

L2 Regression


Heavily affected by outliers, 
too many variables, etc.

Attempt #2

Kalman Filter

What's that?

The Gist

 The Kalman filter operates recursively on streams of noisy input data to produce a statistically optimal estimate of the underlying system state.


Tracking and Vertex Fitting of charged particles in Particle Detectors

Tracking of objects in computer vision

Economics, in particular macroeconomics, time series, and econometrics
Inertial guidance system
Orbit Determination
Radar tracker
Dynamic positioning &  Navigation systems
Simultaneous localization and mapping
Speech enhancement, Weather forecasting, 3D modeling


How does it work?

xt = A * (xt - 1) + w
xt - hidden variable we're trying to estimate
A - state transition matrix
(xt - 1) -  current state
w -  noise of model

zt = H * xt + v
zt - noisy measurement
H -  observation model
xt -  xt from above
v -  noise of model

How does it work?

xt = A * (xt - 1) + w
xt - hidden variable we're trying to estimate
A - state transition matrix
(xt - 1) -  current state
w -  noise of model

zt = H * xt + v
zt - noisy measurement
H -  observation model
xt -  xt from above
v -  noise of model

Quadratic Filter

xk | k-1 = 3 (xk-1 - xk-2) +  xk-3

assumes that every four consecutive trend values fit a quadratic curve

xk = xk | k-1 + ( Gk * (yk - xk | k-1) )

final estimate combines observation and state change estimate 

Problem #3



Force Diversification
Restrict Maximum amount of wealth invested per stock


Restrict investment per stock to:
1% of wealth
5% of wealth
20% of wealth

Solve LP for Optimal Portfolio

Trade = Optimal Portfolio - Current Portfolio


Every Hour
At Opening
At Closing

Most successful agents had diverse portfolios and traded once a day

Make Dat Money

By Jason Dobry

Make Dat Money

Portfolio Optimization with Kalman Filters

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