Lesson learned after using Bazel
Who am I
- Name: Jia Li
- Company: Sylabs.io
- Zone.js: Maintainer
- Angular: Trusted Collaborator
- @JiaLiPassion
- Bazel introduction
- Bazel in typescript project
Bazel is Hub
Bazel benefit
- Incremental
- FullStack Build and test
- Scalable with the cloud
- Extensible
Current: Gulp.js
- Slow
- Hard to debug and Maintain
- ...
result = f(input)
pure functional builds
- results only depends on inputs
- no side effects
- sandbox execution
Builds are Analyzable
- All inputs declared
- All outputs declared
- Graph
// date.ts
export function formatDate(d: Date) {
return `${d.getFullYear()}-${d.getMonth()}-${d.getDate()}!!`;
// user.ts
import { formatDate } from './date';
/** Data object representing a User. */
export class User {
constructor(readonly name: string, readonly birthday: Date) {}
toString() {
return `${this.name}, born on ${formatDate(this.birthday)}`;
// birthday_card.ts
import { User } from './user';
/** Prints a birthday greeting for the given user to the console. */
export function printBirthdayGreeting(user: User) {
console.log(`Happy birthday ${user.name}, ${user.birthday} is your day!`);
Bazel Build.bazel
name = "date",
srcs = ["date.ts"],
name = "user",
srcs = [
deps = [":date"],
name = "birthday_card",
srcs = ["birthday.ts"],
deps = [
bazel query
Bazel file is a collection of rules, not actions
Demo update user.ts toString
Demo umd bundle
Use shelljs to test
The problems I met
- More friendly error messages
- File copy/mv is hard...
- need more documentation
- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Q0S4ee49PoEoIxRydp3JgIdfAnGanbPCuMTJuz37Nk0/preview?slide=id.g26d86d3325_0_0 by Martin Probst at Angular connect 2018
- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1CZsABQJDjpBLun5Ewk3lNUTAHX2Y-pUb3-dfLMZ22DE/preview?slide=id.g26d86d3325_0_0 by Alex Eagle at ng-conf 2019
- angular.bazel.io
bazel draft
By jiali
bazel draft
- 3,005