Math Tech
Fall 2019
Follow Along at
Tentative Schedule
Accessible Word Docs w/ Math Notation
Cidi Labs
Canvas Design Tool
Access CidiLabs
- Edit a "Page" in Canvas
- Alt-Shift-D
One Drive Groups
a way to share files
Access Files
On Campus
Department Files (S:)
- Open file manager window
- type \\filesc1
- Open Sierra > Math Department > Staff
Private Files (N:)
- Open file manager window
- type \\filesc1
- Open Users > username
Web Files (W:)
- Open file manager window
- type \\iisinstruction
- Open Math_Faculty > username
\\filesc1 or \\iisinstruction
Access Files
Off Site
- Click Math Faculty
- (First time only) Install the plugin
(see video below) - Once connected, your computer will act as if it is at Sierra College, and you can access your files just as on the previous slide
Word Online
- Go to OneDrive
- Create a new Word File
- Create a table
- Share with colleagues
Canvas Bulk Date Change
Get a Canvas Access Token
In Google Drive
- Copy the Course Dates Spreadsheet
- In the spreadsheet, File -> Spreadsheet Settings
Set the correct timezone - Go to "Canvas" menu in spreadsheet
- Choose "Configure API Settings"
- Enter "" for hostname
- Enter your Access Token from previous slide
- Go to "Canvas -> Specify Course"
- Change dates
- Go to "Canvas->Save Dates"
Math Tech - Fall 2019 Flex
By jkesler
Math Tech - Fall 2019 Flex
- 1,608