Enhancing Networks

For Resilience

Bulletin #2

April 2016


A quick reminder about the project:


Enhancing Networks For Resilience (EN4R) is a collaboration  between Southern Grampians Glenelg Primary Care Partnership (SGGPCP) and RMIT University funded through the National Disaster Resilience Grants Scheme.

In the first year, EN4R will use social network analysis as part of the methodology to explore the formal partnership of SGGPCP and the informal networks that exist

So far we have conducted semi- structured interviews with 16 SGGPCP Partner agencies and 5 interviews with other significant stakeholders

Some of the preliminary analysis of the themes identified in the interviews include:

  • The strength of relationships is not just based on formal agreements and MoUs but on communication and interpersonal relationships.
  • In a rural setting we have to work together and collaborate due to limited resources - there seems to be less competition than in an urban setting
  • Having diverse networks can challenge traditional thinking and encourage innovation

Other  themes were focussed around trust, sharing resources and interpersonal communication as well as  shared language and shared objectives.


Challenges around the length of time and commitment needed to enhance networks and relationships were discussed particularly when networks and roles change.



In terms of climate change and extreme weather events:

  • Agencies spoke often about heatwave impacts
  • Impacts of extreme weather events on vulnerable and disadvantaged community members were highlighted
  •  Agencies recognised long term issues of drought - particularly impacts on mental health
  • Agencies identifed the impacts of "code red" days on service delivery

A strong theme around the notion of "wearing two hats" also emerged.

This was described as having a professional role in the community and that this role is recognised in informal relationships. This was demonstrated by sharing health and wellbeing information with family and friends, service providers and community members in informal settings.

A comprehensive survey is about to be administered to SGGPCP Partners to collect data which will be used to create Social Network Maps.

Next Steps:

  •       Extract, clean and organise the data
  •      Generate the SNA maps
  •      Analyse key patterns and findings
  •      Develop an overview for validation activities

Next Steps (continued):

  • Focus groups with partners to validate and provide feedback on the interview findings and Social Network Analysis
  • EN4R will have an opportunity to facilitate a workshop focussing on the basics of Social Network Analysis as a co-benefit of the project

Further information

Contact the project team:

Jo Brown


Rowena Wylie


Halley McCann


or go to



By joannebrown


Bulletin #2

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