Enhancing Networks For Resilience (EN4R)
Bulletin #1
February 2016
Welcome to the first bulletin update for the EN4R project.
In this bulletin we will share a quick overview of the project, the current progress and future direction.
Southern Grampians Glenelg Primary Care Partnership has identified climate change as a health and wellbeing priority.
Since 2008 (after the publication of Climate Change Adaptation: A Framework for Local Action) SGGPCP has developed cross sectoral relationships to increase the capacity of the partnership to reduce the vulnerability of our community to the impacts of climate change.
Some of the SGGPCP Climate Change projects include:
- Pass the Parcel
- Glenelg SAVES
- VCCCAR Implementing Adaptation Tools
- Rural People: Resilient Futures
Enhancing Networks For Resilience (EN4R) is a collaboration between SGGPCP and RMIT University funded through the National Disaster Resilience Grants Scheme.
In the first year, EN4R will use social network analysis as part of the methodology to explore the formal partnership of SGGPCP and the informal networks that exist.
After completing the establishment phase, the project team - Jo Brown and Rowena Wylie (SGGPCP) and Halley McCann (RMIT)- committed to building readiness and communicating the project. We consulted with key stakeholders to co-design the methodology and processes to ensure the best outcomes for all partners.
A Project Advisory Group (PAG) was established with representation from government, agencies, the research sector and community who have experience and expertise in climate change and disaster resilience. This ensures multi agency and cross-sectoral participation.
The main aim of the advisory group is to share knowledge and learnings while providing a platform for input and participation.
A detailed research plan was co-designed by the EN4R team in consultation with SGGPCP Partners and Stakeholders.
Stage 1 of the research will investigate formal networks by looking at the networks and partnerships of SGGPCP.
Stage 2 will focus more on informal networks.
To see the research plan:
Stage 1 of the data collection interviews has begun with in-depth interviews conducted with over half of SGGPCP partner agencies so far with interviews to be concluded by the end of February.
Title Text
Next we will use the information collected from the interviews to create an online survey that will assist to develop a social network map.
The social network map will give a pictorial representation of the networks investigated.
Meanwhile, we are starting to analyse the information gathered through the interviews to identify themes.
We are also conducting a literature review to further understand the significance of networks and resilience.
The final steps will include an engagement process with participants to validate the early findings of the research.
We are also developing the methodology to help us to understand the informal networks that link to SGGPCP.
This process will assist to identify and further explore relationships as they relate to resilience and climate change.
Further information
Contact the project team:
Jo Brown
Rowena Wylie
Halley McCann
or go to
Enhancing Networks For Resilience
By joannebrown
Enhancing Networks For Resilience
Bulletin #1
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