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Enhancing Networks for Resilience #2
Update August 2018

The story so far.....
Since 2008, Southern Grampians Glenelg Primary Care Paretnership has been working to reduce the vulnerability of our community to the impacts of climate change by working with our partner agencies to increase capacity.

In phase 1 of Enhancing Networks for Resilience (2015/2016) we set out to understand the SGGPCP partnership using social network analysis.
The final report can be viewed on the SGGPCP website sggpcp.com

This second phase of
Enhancing Networks for Resilience
is focusing on how we can enable applied learning through both formal and informal settings.
1) Enabling learning through Formal Settings:
Summer Preparedness Workshops
Two workshops held Dec 2017.
Over 40 people worked through interactive scenarios around Heatwave and Bushfire.
The workshops enabled a chance to better understand the impacts of heatwave and bushfire on our community and service delivery.
There were opportunities for reflection, connection and learning together.
The workshops were attended by people who have direct care roles as well as administration and management (not just those with an emergency management roles).

Some actions and commitments from participants after the workshop included:
- Education sessions with staff and clients
- Development of emergency kits (staff, service and clients)
- Review of policy and procedures
- Embed into everyday process
- Share learnings with family and friends
and many more..............

Understanding informal learning

Scan of the literature: what can past evidence tell us....
(this is still in progress)

Case studies:
We studied 3 informal settings:
1) Staff morning tea
2) RASnet (Rural Adjustment and Support Network)
3) Winda-Mara Aboriginal Corporation Cuppa.
Semi structured interviews were conducted with representatives from these 3 networks which range from very informal to more formal.

We also conducted a focus group with SEA Change Portland working group members to further understand and validate the data gleamed from the case studies in an existing network

Analysis of case study data collection is still underway.
stay tuned for the report..........
(due early October)

Over the next month we will be sharing the processes and preliminary findings with other PCPs to showcase the value of the PCP Platform in building resilience.

Further information:
Jo Brown
Briana Picken
By joannebrown
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