Always Be Streaming
Johnny Ray Austin
Creative Technologist - iStrategyLabs
What is a stream?
- Source
- Destination
- Chunks
Old & Busted
User requests data, your application connects to a data source then waits for all the data to come back, your application returns the data to the user.
New (old?) Hotness
User requests data, your application connects to a data source, as soon as some data is available, that chunk of data is sent back to the user immediately. Repeat until there is no more data.
Data flow management
- Pipes
Variable data volume
- Check volume periodically
- Memory buffer protection
(spoiler alert: users are impatient)
Perception is Key
Actual performance increase
Perceived performance increase
Actual Performance
- Database Indexes
- Data Caches
- <3 Redis
- Web Sockets
- Keep it real (time)
- May go wrong
- Keep it real (time)
Perceived Performance
- User centric
- Time to respond
- Progressive rendering*
What about the server?
Of Course
- Boiler plate
- User auth/privileges
Very fast database hits
- Think twice when database joins are involved
How can I do this?
- Database
- PostgresSql
- Server
- Node.js
- Python
- Cache
- Redis
- Messaging
- ZeroMQ
- Browser
- highland.js
Always Be Streaming
By Johnny Ray Austin
Always Be Streaming
- 1,640