thehuman rights

What does a human right is?

They are moral principles that set out certain standars of the human behavior. Are often protected as legal rights in national and international law.

right to life

The right of life  constitutes the fundamental right and essential in serving as a platform for other human rights without which no other right can be possible.

The study of the right to life necessarily implies the study of the concepts of human person and human dignity.


The color of skin, language, and gender are differentiating feautures. These feautures are not a reason for discrimination.

Right to freedom

Freedom is a part of the structure of the human being, and consists in project the possibilities we have.

Freedom is linked to the concept of human being, so that man is condemned to be free.

Right to privacy

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy , family home or correspondance, nor to attacks, upon his honor and reputation.

Constitutes a fundamental moral value of personal autonomy.

right to political participation

It is a requirement of the dignity of the human person, when it is missed, a human community is leaded without the participation and consent of its members is clear that the citizens are being manipulated. 

They imply a political responsability of all citizens and should not fall into the political indifference because sooner or later we will suffer.

Right to freedom of conscience

Every one has the right of freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone in the community with othersand in public or private.


"I disapprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
                                                            Voltaire 1694-1778


By Jose Pablo Salazar Hernandez