Parallel  Numerical Methods

Presentation 1


What's are we doing here?

Parallel Numerical Methods

What do we mean by parallel numerical methods?

Numerically solving linear systems and friends?

Takeaways for today

  • What problems do we care about solving?
  • Linear Algebra Review
  • Software
  • Parallelism


Parallel Numerical Algorithms

Editors: Keyes, David E., Sameh, Ahmed, Venkatakrishnan, V. (Eds.)


Published 1997

This book is sorta old...

Example Problem

One dimensional boundary value problem

-u^{\prime\prime}(x) + \sigma u(x) = f(x)

We want to find a function \(u(x)\) satisfying the above.

Model Problem

 For \(0 < x < 1\), \(\sigma > 0\) with \(u(0)=u(1)=0\)

Example Problem

One dimensional boundary value problem

-u^{\prime\prime}(x) + \sigma u(x) = f(x)


\(h:=\frac{1}{N}, x_j = jh, j = 0,1, \cdots N\)

\(x_0, x_1, x_2\)



Let \(f_i = f(x_i)\) and \(v_i \approx u(x_i)\), we want to recover \(v_i\)




Example Problem

Taylor Series Approximation

\(u(x_{i+1}) = u(x_i) + hu^\prime(x_i) + \frac{h^2}{2}hu^{\prime\prime}(x_i) + \frac{h^3}{6}u^{\prime\prime\prime}(x_i) + O(h^4)\)

\(u(x_{i-1}) = u(x_i) - hu^\prime(x_i) + \frac{h^2}{2}hu^{\prime\prime}(x_i) - \frac{h^3}{6}u^{\prime\prime\prime}(x_i) + O(h^4)\)

Add these two together, then solve for \(u^{\prime\prime}\). This gives:

\(u^{\prime\prime}(x_i) = \frac{u(x_{i+1})-2u(x_i) + u(x_{i-1})}{h^2} + O(h^2)\) 

Example Problem

Linear System

We approximate the original BVP with the finite difference scheme

\(\frac{-v_{i-1}+2v_i - v_{i+1}}{h^2} + \sigma v_i = f_i\)


\(v_0 = v_N = 0\)

for \(i=1,2,\cdots, N-1\)

Example Problem

First we let:

Obtain an approximate solution by solving \(A\bm{v} = \bm{f}\) with:

Linear Algebra

We're concerned with (computationally) solving problems of the form


Most other problems can be restated or approximated in terms of solving a linear equation (or applying/inverting a linear operator)


Dense Matrix: Most elements in a matrix are non-zero

Sparse Matrix: Most elements in a matrix are zero

Direct Methods: Directly solving or inverting a problem

Iterative Methods: Applying an operation multiple times until convergence to a solution



How do we actually compute these things?

Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS)

  • The BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) are routines that provide standard building blocks for performing basic vector and matrix operations

Level 1: Scaler-vector operations

Level2: Matrix-vector operations 

Level 3: Matrix-matrix operations

Linear Algebra

Let's focus on solving equations


So let's compute \(A^{-1}\), then find compute \(x = A^{-1}b\)?

Why is this bad?

Gaussian Elimination


Remember, from Linear algebra?

For a given \(N\times N\) matrix \(A\), the LU factorization of \(A\) is

Where \(L\) is a lower triangular matrix, and \(U\) is an upper triangular matrix

Why is this better than directly solving for \(A^{-1}\)?

Gaussian Elimination


Solving \(Ax = b\)

Since \(U\) is upper triangular, we can compute \(U^{-1}b\) in \(O(n^2)\) operations. Likewise for \(L\).  

Solving \(P^TLUx = b\)

Cholesky Factorization


For a given \(N\times N\) Hermatian positive definite matrix \(A\), the cholesky factorization of \(A\) is

Where \(L\) is a lower triangular matrix, and \(L^*\) is the conjugate transpose of \(L\).

QR Factorization


For a given \(N\times N\) real matrix \(A\), the QR factorization of \(A\) is

Where \(Q\) is an orthogonal matrix, and \(R\) is an upper triangular matrix.

SVD Decomposition

\(A=U\Sigma V^*\)

For a given \(M\times N\) real matrix \(A\), the SVD decomposition of \(A\) is


  • \(U\) is an \(m\times m\) unitary matrix
  • \(\Sigma\) is a diagonal \(m\times n\) matrix with non negative real entries
  • \(V\) is an \(n \times n\) unitary matrix

Spectral Decomposition

\(A = Q\Lambda Q^{-1}\)

For a given \(N\times N\) matrix \(A\) with linearly independent eigenvectors, the spectral factorization of \(A\) is

Where \(Q\) is the matrix of eigen vectors, and \(\Lambda\) diagonal matrix of eigen values.



double *cholesky(double *A, int n) {
    double *L = (double*)calloc(n * n, sizeof(double));
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < (i+1); j++) {
            double s = 0;
            for (int k = 0; k < j; k++)
                s += L[i * n + k] * L[j * n + k];
            L[i * n + j] = (i == j) ?
                           sqrt(A[i * n + i] - s) :
                           (1.0 / L[j * n + j] * (A[i * n + j] - s));
    return L;

Software for Computation

  • Armadillo
  • C++ AMP BLAS
  • BLAS (Original implementation)
  • uBLAS (Boost Implementation)
  • more...

Serial Implementations

Flynn's Taxonomy

What type of architecture is your CPU? GPU?

Flynn's Taxonomy

Algorithms need to be adapted to fit the architecture of the machine they execute upon



Coarse Grain Parallelisim:

A program is split into large tasks. For example, block matrix decompositions.

Pros, cons?

What types of architectures?



Medium Grain Parallelisim:

A program is split into medium tasks. Higher throughput, but higher communication and synchronization cost.

Pros, cons?

What type of architectures?



Fine Grain Parallelisim:

A program is split into small tasks. Again, higher throughput, but higher communication and synchronization cost.

Pros, cons?

What type of architectures?



void main()
  switch (Processor_ID)
    case 1: Compute element 1; break;
    case 2: Compute element 2; break;
    case 3: Compute element 3; break;
    case 100: Compute element 100; 
void main()
  switch (Processor_ID)
    case 1: Compute elements 1-4; break;
    case 2: Compute elements 5-8; break;
    case 3: Compute elements 9-12; break;
    case 25: Compute elements 97-100; 
void main()
  switch (Processor_ID)
    case 1: Compute elements 1-50; 
    case 2: Compute elements 51-100; 





Levels of Parallelism

Instruction-level parallelism is a measure of how many of the instructions in a computer program can be executed simultaneously.


What types of architectures?

SIMD, Pipelining, OOO execution/register renaming, speculative execution...


Levels of Parallelism

Loop-level parallelism is a form of parallelism in software programming that is concerned with extracting parallel tasks from loops. The opportunity for loop-level parallelism often arises in computing programs where data is stored in random access data structures.

Types of architectures?

When can you do this?


Levels of Parallelism

Similarly, more coarse levels exist, such as subroutine and program level parallelism

Types of architectures?


Acheiving best performance

How do we optimize for performance (what type of granularity and level of parallelism)?



double *cholesky(double *A, int n) {
    double *L = (double*)calloc(n * n, sizeof(double));
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < (i+1); j++) {
            double s = 0;
            for (int k = 0; k < j; k++)
                s += L[i * n + k] * L[j * n + k];
            L[i * n + j] = (i == j) ?
                           sqrt(A[i * n + i] - s) :
                           (1.0 / L[j * n + j] * (A[i * n + j] - s));
    return L;

Software for Computation (GPU)

  • cuBLAS
  • clBLAS
  • clBLAST
  • ....

Parallel  Numerical Methods

By Joshua Horacsek

Parallel  Numerical Methods

  • 951