How to geo-reference your dataset
Geocoding is the process of converting addresses (like "Puerta del Sol, Madrid") into geographic coordinates (like latitude 40.416980 and longitude -3.704429), which you can use to place markers on a map.
Location columns are lat/lon
Location column is a city
Location column is a postal code
Location column is a province, region or country
Location column is an address
Scenarios, i
Location columns are lat/lon (free on CartoDB)
Location column is a city (free on CartoDB)
Location column is a postal code (free on CartoDB)
Location column is a province, region or country
Location column is an address
Scenarios, ii
Location columns are lat/lon (free on CartoDB)
Location column is a city (free on CartoDB)
Location column is a postal code (free on CartoDB)
Location column is a province, region or country (choropleth: shapefile merging required)
Location column is an address
Scenarios, iii
Location columns are lat/lon (free on CartoDB)
Location column is a city (free on CartoDB)
Location column is a postal code (free on CartoDB)
Location column is a province, region or country (choropleth: shapefile merging required)
Location column is an address (100 for free on CartoDB. Otherwise: workaround required).
When for free:
More info:
When it is not for free, or it doesn't work...
1st option (easy):
- Use Google Maps API in Google Spreadsheet with a macro script
2nd option (nerdy):
- Use OpenRefine to geocode your data with Google and OpenStreetMap API
- Open the dataset you want to georeference on OpenRefine
- Fetch the geographic information from a geographic API
- Fill it in the dataset and re-import in CartoDB
- Open the Google Spreadsheet you want to geolocate
Tools -> Script Editor
Copy and paste the code into the editor
Save and reload your sheet
a new “Geocode” menu should appear after the reload
What's an API?
Application Programming Interface
It's just a different way to query a web application, such as Google Maps.
How? With a URL:
for example: del sol madrid
JSON result returned by the API
(It's like a blob of data with geographic info)
Let's be a little bit more nerdish with OpenRefine
Open the dataset: 90_non_geolocated_libya_body_count
Coordinates extraction
Once queried the Google Maps API, we can extract the coordinates from the API blobs
Finally you have your coordinates
- Check empty/error rows
- Remove the columns you don't need
- Export the dataset in CSV or XLS format
- Open your new dataset on CartoDB
- Map it!
When the API doesn't find the coordinates, go manual
Geolocation via OpenRefine
Step-by-step guide:
Exercise #4. Geolocation with OpenRefine
Download dataset: 90_libya_body_count from
Georeference it with OpenRefine
- Use Google Maps Geolocation API
- Extract coordinates from blobs
- Remove blobs
Export the new dataset
Import it on CartoDB and check the geometry
#4 - Geolocation
By jottaviani
#4 - Geolocation
- 779