1.2: Entailment & Argument Structure


(A) Either Alice is at home or she is at work.

(B) Alice is not at home.

(Z) Alice is at work.


(A) Alice is taller than Bob.

(B) Bob is taller than Carol.

(Z) Alice is taller than Carol.

Argument Structure

  • Premises: One or more statements that are used as the basis to infer the conclusion.
  • Conclusion: The target/goal of the argument - the claim that you are trying to prove.
  • Inferential Steps: An argument starts with some premises and performs some inferential steps to reach the conclusion.
  • Intermediate Conclusion: A statement that is the result of some inferential steps (and so, is not a premise), but is not the main conclusion of the argument.

Argument Structure


(A) If Dave takes the bus to work, he will be late.


(B) If Dave is late, he will be fired.


(C) So, if Dave takes the bus to work, he will be fired.


(D) Dave is taking the bus to work.


(Z) Therefore, Dave will be fired.

Argument Structure


(A) If Dave takes the bus to work, he will be late.


(B) If Dave is late, he will be fired.


(C) So, if Dave takes the bus to work, he will be fired.


(D) Dave is taking the bus to work.


(Z) Therefore, Dave will be fired.

Argument Structure


(A) I can't come to your party on Friday.


(B) I can either go to your party, or study for my final exam.


(C) If I don't study for my final exam, I will fail the class.


(D) I can't fail the class.


(E) So, I have to study for my final exam.

Argument Structure


(A) I can't come to your party on Friday.


(B) I can either go to your party, or study for my final exam.


(C) If I don't study for my final exam, I will fail the class.


(D) I can't fail the class.


(E) So, I have to study for my final exam.

Key Concepts

  • Entailment
  • Premise
  • Conclusion
  • Intermediate Conclusion

1.2: Entailment & Argument Structure

By Jesse Rappaport

1.2: Entailment & Argument Structure

  • 511