Symbolic Logic Translations:
An Example

Symbolic Logic Translations

Not p

p and q

p or q

If p then q

p if q

p only if q

p unless q

p if and only if q


p & q

p V q

p -> q

q -> p

p -> q

~q -> p

p <-> q

Symbolic Logic Translations

(a) Alice is the chair of the meeting.

(b) Bob takes notes.

(c) Carol gives a presentation.

(d) Dave sets up the projector.

(e) Emily is available.

If Emily is available, then Carol gives a presentation. If Emily is unavailable, then Alice is chair of the meeting. Emily is unavailable, so that means Alice is the chair of the meeting. Either Carol is going to give a presentation, or Dave will set up the projector and Bob will take notes. But Bob will only take notes if Alice is the chair of the meeting. So, Carol will not give a presentation, but Bob will take notes.

Symbolic Logic Translations

If Emily is available, then Carol gives a presentation. If Emily is unavailable, then Alice is chair of the meeting. Emily is unavailable, so that means Alice is the chair of the meeting. Either Carol is going to give a presentation, or Dave will set up the projector and Bob will take notes. But Bob will only take notes if Alice is the chair of the meeting. So, Carol will not give a presentation, but Bob will take notes.

  • e -> c
  • ~e -> a
  • ~e
  • a
  • c V (d & b)
  • b -> a
  • ~c &  b

Symbolic Logic Translations: An Example

By Jesse Rappaport

Symbolic Logic Translations: An Example

  • 515