Symbolic Logic Translations

Symbolic Logic Translations

  • The subject matter of an argument is irrelevant to its validity.
  • Formal notation allows us to determine validity in a more rigorous manner.

Symbolic Logic Translations

  • Sentences can be parts of other sentences.
  1. Whales are mammals.
  2. Whales are mammals and humans are mammals.

Symbolic Logic Translations

  • Sentences can be parts of other sentences.
  1. Whales are mammals.
  2. Whales are mammals or birds can fly.

Symbolic Logic Translations

  • Atomic Sentence: A sentence that does not have any other sentences as parts.
  • Complex sentence: A sentence that does has other sentences as parts.

Symbolic Logic Translations

To translate into symbolic notation:

  1. Identify all atomic sentences.
  2. Assign a unique variable for each unique sentence.
  3. Replace all atomic sentences with their corresponding variable.

Symbolic Logic Translations

p: Alice is tall

q: Bob is short

  1. Alice is tall or Bob is short.
  2. Alice is not tall.
  3. Therefore, Bob is short.
  1. p or q
  2. Not p
  3. q

Symbolic Logic Translations

p: All whales are mammals

q: Willy is whale

r: Willy is a mammal


If all whales are mammals and Willy is a whale, then Willy is a mammal.

  • If p and q, then r

Not p

p and q

p or q

If p then q

p if q

p only if q

p unless q

p if and only if q


p & q

p V q

p -> q

q -> p

p -> q

~q -> p

p <-> q

Symbolic Logic Translations

Symbolic Logic Translations

p: Alice is tall

q: Bob is short

  1. Alice is tall or Bob is short.
  2. Alice is not tall.
  3. Therefore, Bob is short.
  1. p or q
  2. Not p
  3. q
  1. p V q
  2. ~p
  3. q

Symbolic Logic Translations

Key Concepts

  • Atomic Sentences
  • Complex Sentences
  • Logical Connectives

Symbolic Logic Translations

By Jesse Rappaport

Symbolic Logic Translations

  • 470