Digital Currency


  • Bitcoin is a totally decentralized digital currency (no central bank / authority)
  • Why would anyone want a decentralized currency?
  • Traditional currencies:
    • Subject to manipulation
    • Costly transactions
    • Not anonymous
    • Unstable
    • Subject to state control


  • What problems might we encounter with a decentralized digital currency?
    • How do we know how much money people really have?
    • How do we make sure people don't counterfeit money?
    • How do we keep track of payments?
    • How do we prevent theft?


  • Bitcoin relies on a distributed public ledger.
    • With no central bank, everyone keeps track of every single transaction in the currency's history.
    • The entire record of the bitcoin currency is publicly available - thus, no need for a trusted third party.
  • I have just as much money as the whole network thinks I have.


  • When someone wants to make a transaction, they send a message to the rest of the network: "Alice sends 5 BTC to Bob"
  • The network receives the message and adds it to the ledger, which contains the entire history of bitcoin transactions.


Summary of Basic Structure

  • The history of bitcoin transactions is a series of "blocks" of information.
  • Users broadcast transactions to the network. These are put in a queue.
  • Users take a bunch of transactions from the queue and put them in "blocks".
  • They then take the information in the block and try to solve a math puzzle that is specific to that information. (This is known as bitcoin mining.)
  • The first one to solve the puzzle gets to add a block to the blockchain.


Summary of Basic Structure

  • After doing so, they broadcast the new blockchain around the network.
  • Each user verifies that the puzzle was really solved, and then accepts the new blockchain.
  • Users will verify and accept a blockchain if it is longer than the one they currently are working on.
  • "Accepting" a blockchain means working on solving the puzzle associated with that new blockchain.


  • So, how much bitcoin I have depends on how much everyone in the network says I have.
  • But I don't know everyone in the network! So how can I really trust them??


  • There are a few problems that bitcoin has to solve:
    • If I get a message saying "Alice sends 5 BTC to Bob," how do I know that the message was sent by Alice? (How do I know that the transaction is genuine?)
    • Different nodes will receive messages at different times. How do we make sure everyone agrees on the order of transactions?


  • Basically, the problems are:
    • Identity fraud
    • "Double-spending"
  • The solutions are:
    • Digital signatures
    • Blockchain



  • Users spend bitcoin by broadcasting a message like "A sends X BTC to B"
  • The network examines the history of transactions and insures that A really has X BTC to spend.
  • But different nodes receive the message at different times.
  • This makes possible a double-spending attack (spending the same bitcoin more than once).
  • Note that this is impossible with paper currency.



  • The attack: Alice has 5 BTC, and she wants to buy Bob's watch for 5 BTC. So, she sends a message: "Alice sends 5 BTC to Bob."
  • Bob receives the message and ships the watch to Alice.
  • However, before the rest of the network has registered this transaction, Alice sends another message saying "Alice sends 5 BTC to Carol."



  • Some of the nodes will think that Alice already sent her 5 BTC to Bob and will reject the "second" transaction.
  • Others will think that Alice sent her 5 BTC to Carol first and will reject the "first" transaction.
  • If the second transaction happens to be the one that is accepted by the whole network, then Bob will not receive his 5 BTC, even though he already shipped his watch to Alice.



  • So:
    • The bitcoin ledger is maintained by passing messages around the network.
    • A proposed transaction becomes "real" when it is accepted by the whole network.
    • Given the physical facts of a network, different nodes will receive different messages at different times.
    • Therefore, since there can be disagreement about the order of transactions, an attacker can try to double-spend the same bitcoin if the seller completes the transactions before the network has agreed to the correct order.



  • The essence of bitcoin is a solution to the following problem:
    • ​How can I have trust in a system/network, without trusting any individual member of the network?
  • The solution is an idea known as the blockchain​.



  • We assume that the majority of the people in the network can be trusted (attackers are a minority).
  • So, the idea is that in order to make changes to the system, we require people to do some task that is too hard for one person to (consistently) do alone.
  • This is known as a proof of work.



  • Analogy: Suppose that the bitcoin ledger was a piece of paper that was hidden under a big boulder. In order to change the ledger, you have to move the boulder, but this can't be done alone.
  • Therefore, if the boulder is moved, this is proof of work that many people in the group agreed to the change.



  • The blockchain employs a similar kind of concept.
  • To propose a change to the bitcoin ledger, you have to solve a math puzzle that can only be solved by randomly guessing numbers.
  • The chances of guessing correctly are very small, and each puzzle builds on the last one, so it's unlikely that the same person will solve it twice in a row.
  • The fact that the puzzle has been solved is proof that no individual user is controlling the bitcoin ledger.


Hash Functions

  • A cryptographic hash function is a mathematical function which, given an input of any length, returns an output of a fixed length, which
    • appears random, and
    • is impossible to guess how changing the input would affect the output.


Hash Functions

  • The "math puzzle" that users must solve to mine bitcoin is:
    • Take the current blockchain,
    • Add the new transactions and some other info so that the hash of the new block satisfies some arbitrary property (e.g. "beginning with eight 0's")
  • Since hash functions are unpredictable, the only way to solve the puzzle is by guessing.


Hash Functions

  • So, everyone in the network is trying to solve the hash, but because you can only solve it by guessing, everyone is equally likely to "win" - therefore, it's extremely unlikely for one person to win more than once.



  • This is how fraud is prevented in the bitcoin network.
  • Assume that the cheaters are in the minority.
  • For fraud to occur, the fraudsters would have to be able to produce many new blocks in a row.
  • But given the distributed mining structure, this is mathematically impossible.



  • Furthermore, if a group of attackers decide to cheat the network, then the other users will no longer trust bitcoin... in which case it would be useless!
  • Therefore, it is intrinsic that too much fraud is simply pointless.



  • The key insight behind the blockchain is that it enables a network of anonymous users to cooperate with each other and trust the system as a whole, without trusting any individual user or third party.


By Jesse Rappaport


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