Social and Political Data Science: Introduction

Harold D. Clarke's Legacy and Beyond

Prepared for presentation at the Harold D. Clarke Commemorative Conference,
European Union Center, Texas A&M University, March 30th to April 1st 2023

Comparative Electoral Studies in New Democracies

the cases of Taiwan and Hong Kong

Karl Ho
University of Texas at Dallas
Dennis Lu-Chung Weng
Sam Houston State University
Stan Hok-Wui Wong
University of St. Thomas
Kuan-chen Lee
Institute for National Defense and Security Research in Taiwan
Tim Chen
Soochow University, Taiwan
Wei-feng Tzeng
National Chengchi University, Taiwan
  • Electoral studies have been traditionally focusing on western democracies.  

  • How applicable the voting and party support models are in the young democracies?

  • East Asia is in their early stages of democratization, e.g. Taiwan

  • Harold D. Clarke extended his models from American, British and Canadian studies to elections in East Asia as soon as in the early 2000s.  


  • Comparative valence models in America, Britain, Canada and Taiwan.

  • Why not Hong Kong?

  • What is the common denominator of Taiwan and Hong Kong models?

  • Why Hong Kong Election Study?


Citation map



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(Harold D. Clarke & "Valence")

Citation map
(Harold D. Clarke & "Valence")

Citation map

Citation map
(Harold D. Clarke & "Valence")

  • Performance: Most important issue

    • As far as you are concerned, what are the three most important issues facing the country at the present time? Please select THREE issues.

    • ​​​​​Do you approve or disapprove of the way that [the incumbent] is handling the issue you think is most important?

  • Leader image

    • Using a scale that runs from 0 to 10 where 0 means 'strongly dislike' and 10 means 'strongly like', how do you feel about [incumbent leader | opposition leader]?

  • Party ID

    • Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent or what?


Valence questions (COMETrends)

Cites CitesPerYear CitesPerAuthor Authors Title
641 106.83 160 HD Clarke, M Goodwin, MJ Goodwin, P Whiteley Brexit
614 43.86 154 HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart, PF Whiteley Performance politics and the British voter
323 20.19 81 D Sanders, HD Clarke, MC Stewart, P Whiteley Does mode matter for modeling political choice? Evidence from the 2005 British Election Study
223 37.17 74 HD Clarke, M Goodwin, P Whiteley Why Britain voted for Brexit: An individual-level analysis of the 2016 referendum vote
161 13.42 40 D Sanders, HD Clarke, MC Stewart… Downs, stokes and the dynamics of electoral choice
146 14.6 37 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart Affluence, austerity and electoral change in Britain
143 10.21 48 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, TJ Scotto Making political choices: Canada and the United States
110 6.11 28 P Whiteley, MC Stewart, D Sanders… The issue agenda and voting in 2005
109 9.08 27 H Clarke, D Sanders, M Stewart… Valence politics and electoral choice in Britain, 2010
102 2.76 34 HD Clarke, MC Stewart, G Zuk Politics, economics and party popularity in Britain, 1979–83
91 13 23 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, D Sanders… Why do voters lose trust in governments? Public perceptions of government honesty and trustworthiness in Britain 2000–2013
84 12 21 H Clarke, P Whiteley, W Borges… Modelling the dynamics of support for a right-wing populist party: The case of UKIP
80 2.22 40 HD Clarke, MC Stewart Partisan inconsistency and partisan change in federal states: The case of Canada
76 1.95 38 HD Clarke, MC Stewart Dealignment of degree: Partisan change in Britain, 1974-83
73 5.62 18 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, D Sanders… Government performance and life satisfaction in contemporary Britain
66 5.5 22 J Reifler, TJ Scotto, HD Clarke Foreign policy beliefs in contemporary Britain: Structure and relevance
59 3.47 15 H Clarke, D Sanders, M Stewart… Taking the bloom off New Labour's rose: party choice and voter turnout in Britain, 2005
49 4.08 16 HD Clarke, TJ Scotto, A Kornberg Valence politics and economic crisis: Electoral choice in Canada 2008
48 4 8 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, TJ Scotto, J Reifler, D Sanders… Yes we can! Valence politics and electoral choice in America, 2008
44 2.44 11 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, J MacLeod… Too close to call: political choice in Canada, 2004
41 4.1 21 HD Clarke, GD Whitten Hard choices in hard times: Valence voting in Germany (2009)
39 4.33 10 TB Gravelle, TJ Scotto, J Reifler… Foreign policy beliefs and support for Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party
38 3.8 10 K Ho, HD Clarke, LK Chen, DLC Weng Valence politics and electoral choice in a new democracy: The case of Taiwan
37 2.18 9 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, T Scotto… Flawless campaign, fragile victory: Voting in Canada's 2006 federal election
32 0.94 16 HD Clarke, G Zuk The Dynamics of Third-Party Support: The British Liberals, 1951-79
29 4.14 7 P Whiteley, H Clarke, D Sanders… Hunting the Snark: A reply to “Re-evaluating valence models of political choice”
29 2.23 5 TJ Scotto, HD Clarke, A Kornberg, J Reifler, D Sanders… The dynamic political economy of support for Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential election campaign
28 0.78 14 HD Clarke, G Zuk The politics of party popularity: Canada 1974-1979
28 1.87 7 D Sanders, HD Clarke, MC Stewart… The endogeneity of preferences in spatial models: Evidence from the 2005 British Election Study
24 3 6 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, D Sanders… The economic and electoral consequences of austerity policies in Britain
23 0.61 12 HD Clarke, MC Stewart Short-term forces and partisan change in Canada: 1974–1980
22 2.2 4 W Borges, HD Clarke, MC Stewart, D Sanders… The emerging political economy of austerity in Britain
20 3.33 5 HD Clarke, TB Gravelle, TJ Scotto… Like father, like son: Justin Trudeau and valence voting in Canada's 2015 federal election
20 2 4 HD Clarke, W Borges, MC Stewart, D Sanders… The politics of austerity: Modeling British attitudes towards public spending cuts
18 2.25 6 S Birch, HD Clarke, P Whiteley Should 16-year-olds be allowed to vote in Westminster elections? Public opinion and electoral franchise reform
18 0.53 5 WL Miller, HD Clarke, MC Stewart… Studying how the economy affects public attitudes and behavior: Problems and prospects
17 1.21 4 HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart, P Whiteley The American voter's British cousin
13 0.28 3 JH Pammett, L LeDuc, J Jenson… The perception and impact of issues in the 1974 federal election
12 0.29 3 HD Clarke, J Jenson, L LeDuc… Voting Behaviour and the Outcome of the 1979 Federal Election: The Impact of Leaders and Issues
11 1.38 2 H Clarke, J Reifler, TJ Scotto, MC Stewart, P Whiteley Valence politics and voting in the 2012 US presidential election
11 5.5 4 H Clarke, MC Stewart, K Ho Did Covid‐19 kill Trump politically? The pandemic and voting in the 2020 presidential election
11 2.75 3 HD Clarke, J Jenson, L LeDuc, J Pammett Absent mandate: Strategies and choices in Canadian elections
11 0.61 3 D Sanders, H Clarke, M Stewart… The 2005 general election in Great Britain
11 0.26 3 L LeDuc, HD Clarke, J Jenson, JH Pammett Partisanship, Voting Behavior, and Election Outcomes in Canada
10 1.43 3 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart Forecasting the 2015 British general election: the seats-votes model
9 0.82 2 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, TJ Scotto… Political choices in hard times: voting in the 2010 US House elections
9 0.19 3 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, J Lee Ontario student party activists: a note on differential participation in a voluntary organization
9 1 2 H Clarke, D Sanders, M Stewart… Travel tips for students of electoral choice: the dynamics of partisanship in Britain and elsewhere
9 0.26 5 A Kornberg, HD Clarke and Partisan Instability in the 1980s
8 0.57 2 W Borges, HD Clarke, MC Stewart… The politics of austerity: Modeling British attitudes towards public spending cuts
8 0.16 2 A Kornberg, J Smith, MJ Clarke, HD Clarke Participation in local party organizations in the United States and Canada
7 1.17 4 MC Stewart, HD Clarke Economic voting
5 0.13 1 H Clarke, K Hildebrandt, L Le Duc… Issue Volatility and Partisan Linkages in Canada, Great Britain, the United States, and West Germany
5 0.24 1 HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart… Downs, stokes and modified rational choice: Modelling turnout in 2001
4 0.67 1 HD Clarke, M Goodwin, P Whiteley Why Britain voted to Leave (and what Boris Johnson had to do with it)
4 1 1 SH Wong, K Ho, HD Clarke Mass Production of individualized services: Machine politics in Hong Kong
3 1 2 HD Clarke, JH Pammett Environmental Issues in Recent British and Canadian Elections
3 0.6 1 KC Lee, W Tzeng, K Ho… Against Everything Involving China? Two Types of Sinophobia in Taiwan
3 0.15 1 D Sanders, H Clarke, M Stewart… The electoral impact of the 2001 UK general election campaign
2 0.15 1 H Clarke, D Sanders, M Stewart, P Whiteley Electoral Choice in Britain, 2010: Emerging Evidence From the BES
1 0.5 0 H Clarke, TJ Scotto, M Stewart In Canada's snap election, Justin Trudeau and the Liberals were both victims and beneficiaries of the COVID-19 crisis
1 0.5 0 P Whiteley, P Seyd, HD Clarke The Conservative Party: The victory of the Eurosceptics
1 0.17 0 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, M Stewart The rhetoric and reality of austerity: Electoral politics in Britain 2010 to 2015
0 0 0 H Clarke Valence Voting in the 2015 Federal Election
0 0 0 HD Clarke A Comparative Study of Valence Politics Using the British and Taiwan Election Survey Data Karl Ho, University of Texas at Dallas
0 0 0 P Whiteley, H Clarke, D Sanders… Hunting the Snark: A Reply to 'Re-Evaluating Valence Models of Political Choice”–CORRIGENDUM
0 0 0 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, M Goodwin, MC Stewart Brexit Britain: The Consequences of the Vote to Leave the European Union
0 0 0 K Ho, HD Clarke, LKT Chen A New Model of Performance Politics in Taiwan
0 0 0 SHW Wong, K Ho, HD Clarke… Does Loyalty Discourage Exit? Evidence from Post-2020 Hong Kong
0 0 0 VE Troeger, GD Whitten, CG Thies, O Chyzh… Political Science Research and Methods
0 0 0 HD Clarke, P Kellner, MC Stewart, J Twyman… Choosing to Vote and Choosing a Party
0 0 0 HD Clarke, P Kellner, MC Stewart, J Twyman… Policy Performance and Political Payoffs
0 0 0 HD Clarke, P Kellner, MC Stewart, J Twyman… The Politics of Discontent: Britain's Emerging Multi-Party Politics
0 0 0 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, J MacLeod, T Scotto Too Close to Call: Political Choice in Canada
0 0 0 HO Karl, HD CLARKE Sources of Electoral Support for Pro-Establishment Parties in the 2016 Legislative Council Election
0 0 0 HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart, PF Whiteley THE AMERICAN VOTER'S BRITISH COUSIN AT THE POLLS IN 2005
0 0 0 HD Clarke Paper Stones: A History of Electoral Socialism. By Adam Przeworski and John Sprague (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986. vi, 224p. $24.95).
0 0 0 HD Clarke, P Kellner, MC Stewart, J Twyman… Setting the Scene for 2015
0 0 0 HD Clarke, P Kellner, MC Stewart, J Twyman… Explaining the Election Outcome
0 0 0 H Clarke, D Sanders, M Stewart… 6 Travel tips for students of electoral choice
0 0 0 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, TJ Scotto Chapter Three: Too Close to Call: The 2004 Canadian Federal Election
Cites CitesPerYear CitesPerAuthor Authors Title
641 106.83 160 HD Clarke, M Goodwin, MJ Goodwin, P Whiteley Brexit
614 43.86 154 HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart, PF Whiteley Performance politics and the British voter
323 20.19 81 D Sanders, HD Clarke, MC Stewart, P Whiteley Does mode matter for modeling political choice? Evidence from the 2005 British Election Study
223 37.17 74 HD Clarke, M Goodwin, P Whiteley Why Britain voted for Brexit: An individual-level analysis of the 2016 referendum vote
161 13.42 40 D Sanders, HD Clarke, MC Stewart… Downs, stokes and the dynamics of electoral choice
146 14.6 37 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart Affluence, austerity and electoral change in Britain
143 10.21 48 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, TJ Scotto Making political choices: Canada and the United States
110 6.11 28 P Whiteley, MC Stewart, D Sanders… The issue agenda and voting in 2005
109 9.08 27 H Clarke, D Sanders, M Stewart… Valence politics and electoral choice in Britain, 2010
102 2.76 34 HD Clarke, MC Stewart, G Zuk Politics, economics and party popularity in Britain, 1979–83
91 13 23 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, D Sanders… Why do voters lose trust in governments? Public perceptions of government honesty and trustworthiness in Britain 2000–2013
84 12 21 H Clarke, P Whiteley, W Borges… Modelling the dynamics of support for a right-wing populist party: The case of UKIP
80 2.22 40 HD Clarke, MC Stewart Partisan inconsistency and partisan change in federal states: The case of Canada
76 1.95 38 HD Clarke, MC Stewart Dealignment of degree: Partisan change in Britain, 1974-83
73 5.62 18 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, D Sanders… Government performance and life satisfaction in contemporary Britain
66 5.5 22 J Reifler, TJ Scotto, HD Clarke Foreign policy beliefs in contemporary Britain: Structure and relevance
59 3.47 15 H Clarke, D Sanders, M Stewart… Taking the bloom off New Labour's rose: party choice and voter turnout in Britain, 2005
49 4.08 16 HD Clarke, TJ Scotto, A Kornberg Valence politics and economic crisis: Electoral choice in Canada 2008
48 4 8 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, TJ Scotto, J Reifler, D Sanders… Yes we can! Valence politics and electoral choice in America, 2008
44 2.44 11 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, J MacLeod… Too close to call: political choice in Canada, 2004
41 4.1 21 HD Clarke, GD Whitten Hard choices in hard times: Valence voting in Germany (2009)
39 4.33 10 TB Gravelle, TJ Scotto, J Reifler… Foreign policy beliefs and support for Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party
38 3.8 10 K Ho, HD Clarke, LK Chen, DLC Weng Valence politics and electoral choice in a new democracy: The case of Taiwan
37 2.18 9 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, T Scotto… Flawless campaign, fragile victory: Voting in Canada's 2006 federal election
32 0.94 16 HD Clarke, G Zuk The Dynamics of Third-Party Support: The British Liberals, 1951-79
29 4.14 7 P Whiteley, H Clarke, D Sanders… Hunting the Snark: A reply to “Re-evaluating valence models of political choice”
29 2.23 5 TJ Scotto, HD Clarke, A Kornberg, J Reifler, D Sanders… The dynamic political economy of support for Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential election campaign
28 0.78 14 HD Clarke, G Zuk The politics of party popularity: Canada 1974-1979
28 1.87 7 D Sanders, HD Clarke, MC Stewart… The endogeneity of preferences in spatial models: Evidence from the 2005 British Election Study
24 3 6 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, D Sanders… The economic and electoral consequences of austerity policies in Britain
23 0.61 12 HD Clarke, MC Stewart Short-term forces and partisan change in Canada: 1974–1980
22 2.2 4 W Borges, HD Clarke, MC Stewart, D Sanders… The emerging political economy of austerity in Britain
20 3.33 5 HD Clarke, TB Gravelle, TJ Scotto… Like father, like son: Justin Trudeau and valence voting in Canada's 2015 federal election
20 2 4 HD Clarke, W Borges, MC Stewart, D Sanders… The politics of austerity: Modeling British attitudes towards public spending cuts
18 2.25 6 S Birch, HD Clarke, P Whiteley Should 16-year-olds be allowed to vote in Westminster elections? Public opinion and electoral franchise reform
18 0.53 5 WL Miller, HD Clarke, MC Stewart… Studying how the economy affects public attitudes and behavior: Problems and prospects
17 1.21 4 HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart, P Whiteley The American voter's British cousin
13 0.28 3 JH Pammett, L LeDuc, J Jenson… The perception and impact of issues in the 1974 federal election
12 0.29 3 HD Clarke, J Jenson, L LeDuc… Voting Behaviour and the Outcome of the 1979 Federal Election: The Impact of Leaders and Issues
11 1.38 2 H Clarke, J Reifler, TJ Scotto, MC Stewart, P Whiteley Valence politics and voting in the 2012 US presidential election
11 5.5 4 H Clarke, MC Stewart, K Ho Did Covid‐19 kill Trump politically? The pandemic and voting in the 2020 presidential election
11 2.75 3 HD Clarke, J Jenson, L LeDuc, J Pammett Absent mandate: Strategies and choices in Canadian elections
11 0.61 3 D Sanders, H Clarke, M Stewart… The 2005 general election in Great Britain
11 0.26 3 L LeDuc, HD Clarke, J Jenson, JH Pammett Partisanship, Voting Behavior, and Election Outcomes in Canada
10 1.43 3 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart Forecasting the 2015 British general election: the seats-votes model
9 0.82 2 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, TJ Scotto… Political choices in hard times: voting in the 2010 US House elections
9 0.19 3 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, J Lee Ontario student party activists: a note on differential participation in a voluntary organization
9 1 2 H Clarke, D Sanders, M Stewart… Travel tips for students of electoral choice: the dynamics of partisanship in Britain and elsewhere
9 0.26 5 A Kornberg, HD Clarke and Partisan Instability in the 1980s
8 0.57 2 W Borges, HD Clarke, MC Stewart… The politics of austerity: Modeling British attitudes towards public spending cuts
8 0.16 2 A Kornberg, J Smith, MJ Clarke, HD Clarke Participation in local party organizations in the United States and Canada
7 1.17 4 MC Stewart, HD Clarke Economic voting
5 0.13 1 H Clarke, K Hildebrandt, L Le Duc… Issue Volatility and Partisan Linkages in Canada, Great Britain, the United States, and West Germany
5 0.24 1 HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart… Downs, stokes and modified rational choice: Modelling turnout in 2001
4 0.67 1 HD Clarke, M Goodwin, P Whiteley Why Britain voted to Leave (and what Boris Johnson had to do with it)
4 1 1 SH Wong, K Ho, HD Clarke Mass Production of individualized services: Machine politics in Hong Kong
3 1 2 HD Clarke, JH Pammett Environmental Issues in Recent British and Canadian Elections
3 0.6 1 KC Lee, W Tzeng, K Ho… Against Everything Involving China? Two Types of Sinophobia in Taiwan
3 0.15 1 D Sanders, H Clarke, M Stewart… The electoral impact of the 2001 UK general election campaign
2 0.15 1 H Clarke, D Sanders, M Stewart, P Whiteley Electoral Choice in Britain, 2010: Emerging Evidence From the BES
1 0.5 0 H Clarke, TJ Scotto, M Stewart In Canada's snap election, Justin Trudeau and the Liberals were both victims and beneficiaries of the COVID-19 crisis
1 0.5 0 P Whiteley, P Seyd, HD Clarke The Conservative Party: The victory of the Eurosceptics
1 0.17 0 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, M Stewart The rhetoric and reality of austerity: Electoral politics in Britain 2010 to 2015
0 0 0 H Clarke Valence Voting in the 2015 Federal Election
0 0 0 HD Clarke A Comparative Study of Valence Politics Using the British and Taiwan Election Survey Data Karl Ho, University of Texas at Dallas
0 0 0 P Whiteley, H Clarke, D Sanders… Hunting the Snark: A Reply to 'Re-Evaluating Valence Models of Political Choice”–CORRIGENDUM
0 0 0 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, M Goodwin, MC Stewart Brexit Britain: The Consequences of the Vote to Leave the European Union
0 0 0 K Ho, HD Clarke, LKT Chen A New Model of Performance Politics in Taiwan
0 0 0 SHW Wong, K Ho, HD Clarke… Does Loyalty Discourage Exit? Evidence from Post-2020 Hong Kong
0 0 0 VE Troeger, GD Whitten, CG Thies, O Chyzh… Political Science Research and Methods
0 0 0 HD Clarke, P Kellner, MC Stewart, J Twyman… Choosing to Vote and Choosing a Party
0 0 0 HD Clarke, P Kellner, MC Stewart, J Twyman… Policy Performance and Political Payoffs
0 0 0 HD Clarke, P Kellner, MC Stewart, J Twyman… The Politics of Discontent: Britain's Emerging Multi-Party Politics
0 0 0 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, J MacLeod, T Scotto Too Close to Call: Political Choice in Canada
0 0 0 HO Karl, HD CLARKE Sources of Electoral Support for Pro-Establishment Parties in the 2016 Legislative Council Election
0 0 0 HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart, PF Whiteley THE AMERICAN VOTER'S BRITISH COUSIN AT THE POLLS IN 2005
0 0 0 HD Clarke Paper Stones: A History of Electoral Socialism. By Adam Przeworski and John Sprague (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986. vi, 224p. $24.95).
0 0 0 HD Clarke, P Kellner, MC Stewart, J Twyman… Setting the Scene for 2015
0 0 0 HD Clarke, P Kellner, MC Stewart, J Twyman… Explaining the Election Outcome
0 0 0 H Clarke, D Sanders, M Stewart… 6 Travel tips for students of electoral choice
0 0 0 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, TJ Scotto Chapter Three: Too Close to Call: The 2004 Canadian Federal Election
Cites CitesPerYear CitesPerAuthor Authors Title
641 106.83 160 HD Clarke, M Goodwin, MJ Goodwin, P Whiteley Brexit
614 43.86 154 HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart, PF Whiteley Performance politics and the British voter
323 20.19 81 D Sanders, HD Clarke, MC Stewart, P Whiteley Does mode matter for modeling political choice? Evidence from the 2005 British Election Study
223 37.17 74 HD Clarke, M Goodwin, P Whiteley Why Britain voted for Brexit: An individual-level analysis of the 2016 referendum vote
161 13.42 40 D Sanders, HD Clarke, MC Stewart… Downs, stokes and the dynamics of electoral choice
146 14.6 37 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart Affluence, austerity and electoral change in Britain
143 10.21 48 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, TJ Scotto Making political choices: Canada and the United States
110 6.11 28 P Whiteley, MC Stewart, D Sanders… The issue agenda and voting in 2005
109 9.08 27 H Clarke, D Sanders, M Stewart… Valence politics and electoral choice in Britain, 2010
102 2.76 34 HD Clarke, MC Stewart, G Zuk Politics, economics and party popularity in Britain, 1979–83
91 13 23 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, D Sanders… Why do voters lose trust in governments? Public perceptions of government honesty and trustworthiness in Britain 2000–2013
84 12 21 H Clarke, P Whiteley, W Borges… Modelling the dynamics of support for a right-wing populist party: The case of UKIP
80 2.22 40 HD Clarke, MC Stewart Partisan inconsistency and partisan change in federal states: The case of Canada
76 1.95 38 HD Clarke, MC Stewart Dealignment of degree: Partisan change in Britain, 1974-83
73 5.62 18 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, D Sanders… Government performance and life satisfaction in contemporary Britain
66 5.5 22 J Reifler, TJ Scotto, HD Clarke Foreign policy beliefs in contemporary Britain: Structure and relevance
59 3.47 15 H Clarke, D Sanders, M Stewart… Taking the bloom off New Labour's rose: party choice and voter turnout in Britain, 2005
49 4.08 16 HD Clarke, TJ Scotto, A Kornberg Valence politics and economic crisis: Electoral choice in Canada 2008
48 4 8 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, TJ Scotto, J Reifler, D Sanders… Yes we can! Valence politics and electoral choice in America, 2008
44 2.44 11 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, J MacLeod… Too close to call: political choice in Canada, 2004
41 4.1 21 HD Clarke, GD Whitten Hard choices in hard times: Valence voting in Germany (2009)
39 4.33 10 TB Gravelle, TJ Scotto, J Reifler… Foreign policy beliefs and support for Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party
38 3.8 10 K Ho, HD Clarke, LK Chen, DLC Weng Valence politics and electoral choice in a new democracy: The case of Taiwan
37 2.18 9 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, T Scotto… Flawless campaign, fragile victory: Voting in Canada's 2006 federal election
32 0.94 16 HD Clarke, G Zuk The Dynamics of Third-Party Support: The British Liberals, 1951-79
29 4.14 7 P Whiteley, H Clarke, D Sanders… Hunting the Snark: A reply to “Re-evaluating valence models of political choice”
29 2.23 5 TJ Scotto, HD Clarke, A Kornberg, J Reifler, D Sanders… The dynamic political economy of support for Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential election campaign
28 0.78 14 HD Clarke, G Zuk The politics of party popularity: Canada 1974-1979
28 1.87 7 D Sanders, HD Clarke, MC Stewart… The endogeneity of preferences in spatial models: Evidence from the 2005 British Election Study
24 3 6 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, D Sanders… The economic and electoral consequences of austerity policies in Britain
23 0.61 12 HD Clarke, MC Stewart Short-term forces and partisan change in Canada: 1974–1980
22 2.2 4 W Borges, HD Clarke, MC Stewart, D Sanders… The emerging political economy of austerity in Britain
20 3.33 5 HD Clarke, TB Gravelle, TJ Scotto… Like father, like son: Justin Trudeau and valence voting in Canada's 2015 federal election
20 2 4 HD Clarke, W Borges, MC Stewart, D Sanders… The politics of austerity: Modeling British attitudes towards public spending cuts
18 2.25 6 S Birch, HD Clarke, P Whiteley Should 16-year-olds be allowed to vote in Westminster elections? Public opinion and electoral franchise reform
18 0.53 5 WL Miller, HD Clarke, MC Stewart… Studying how the economy affects public attitudes and behavior: Problems and prospects
17 1.21 4 HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart, P Whiteley The American voter's British cousin
13 0.28 3 JH Pammett, L LeDuc, J Jenson… The perception and impact of issues in the 1974 federal election
12 0.29 3 HD Clarke, J Jenson, L LeDuc… Voting Behaviour and the Outcome of the 1979 Federal Election: The Impact of Leaders and Issues
11 1.38 2 H Clarke, J Reifler, TJ Scotto, MC Stewart, P Whiteley Valence politics and voting in the 2012 US presidential election
11 5.5 4 H Clarke, MC Stewart, K Ho Did Covid‐19 kill Trump politically? The pandemic and voting in the 2020 presidential election
11 2.75 3 HD Clarke, J Jenson, L LeDuc, J Pammett Absent mandate: Strategies and choices in Canadian elections
11 0.61 3 D Sanders, H Clarke, M Stewart… The 2005 general election in Great Britain
11 0.26 3 L LeDuc, HD Clarke, J Jenson, JH Pammett Partisanship, Voting Behavior, and Election Outcomes in Canada
10 1.43 3 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart Forecasting the 2015 British general election: the seats-votes model
9 0.82 2 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, TJ Scotto… Political choices in hard times: voting in the 2010 US House elections
9 0.19 3 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, J Lee Ontario student party activists: a note on differential participation in a voluntary organization
9 1 2 H Clarke, D Sanders, M Stewart… Travel tips for students of electoral choice: the dynamics of partisanship in Britain and elsewhere
9 0.26 5 A Kornberg, HD Clarke and Partisan Instability in the 1980s
8 0.57 2 W Borges, HD Clarke, MC Stewart… The politics of austerity: Modeling British attitudes towards public spending cuts
8 0.16 2 A Kornberg, J Smith, MJ Clarke, HD Clarke Participation in local party organizations in the United States and Canada
7 1.17 4 MC Stewart, HD Clarke Economic voting
5 0.13 1 H Clarke, K Hildebrandt, L Le Duc… Issue Volatility and Partisan Linkages in Canada, Great Britain, the United States, and West Germany
5 0.24 1 HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart… Downs, stokes and modified rational choice: Modelling turnout in 2001
4 0.67 1 HD Clarke, M Goodwin, P Whiteley Why Britain voted to Leave (and what Boris Johnson had to do with it)
4 1 1 SH Wong, K Ho, HD Clarke Mass Production of individualized services: Machine politics in Hong Kong
3 1 2 HD Clarke, JH Pammett Environmental Issues in Recent British and Canadian Elections
3 0.6 1 KC Lee, W Tzeng, K Ho… Against Everything Involving China? Two Types of Sinophobia in Taiwan
3 0.15 1 D Sanders, H Clarke, M Stewart… The electoral impact of the 2001 UK general election campaign
2 0.15 1 H Clarke, D Sanders, M Stewart, P Whiteley Electoral Choice in Britain, 2010: Emerging Evidence From the BES
1 0.5 0 H Clarke, TJ Scotto, M Stewart In Canada's snap election, Justin Trudeau and the Liberals were both victims and beneficiaries of the COVID-19 crisis
1 0.5 0 P Whiteley, P Seyd, HD Clarke The Conservative Party: The victory of the Eurosceptics
1 0.17 0 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, M Stewart The rhetoric and reality of austerity: Electoral politics in Britain 2010 to 2015
0 0 0 H Clarke Valence Voting in the 2015 Federal Election
0 0 0 HD Clarke A Comparative Study of Valence Politics Using the British and Taiwan Election Survey Data Karl Ho, University of Texas at Dallas
0 0 0 P Whiteley, H Clarke, D Sanders… Hunting the Snark: A Reply to 'Re-Evaluating Valence Models of Political Choice”–CORRIGENDUM
0 0 0 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, M Goodwin, MC Stewart Brexit Britain: The Consequences of the Vote to Leave the European Union
0 0 0 K Ho, HD Clarke, LKT Chen A New Model of Performance Politics in Taiwan
0 0 0 SHW Wong, K Ho, HD Clarke… Does Loyalty Discourage Exit? Evidence from Post-2020 Hong Kong
0 0 0 VE Troeger, GD Whitten, CG Thies, O Chyzh… Political Science Research and Methods
0 0 0 HD Clarke, P Kellner, MC Stewart, J Twyman… Choosing to Vote and Choosing a Party
0 0 0 HD Clarke, P Kellner, MC Stewart, J Twyman… Policy Performance and Political Payoffs
0 0 0 HD Clarke, P Kellner, MC Stewart, J Twyman… The Politics of Discontent: Britain's Emerging Multi-Party Politics
0 0 0 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, J MacLeod, T Scotto Too Close to Call: Political Choice in Canada
0 0 0 HO Karl, HD CLARKE Sources of Electoral Support for Pro-Establishment Parties in the 2016 Legislative Council Election
0 0 0 HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart, PF Whiteley THE AMERICAN VOTER'S BRITISH COUSIN AT THE POLLS IN 2005
0 0 0 HD Clarke Paper Stones: A History of Electoral Socialism. By Adam Przeworski and John Sprague (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986. vi, 224p. $24.95).
0 0 0 HD Clarke, P Kellner, MC Stewart, J Twyman… Setting the Scene for 2015
0 0 0 HD Clarke, P Kellner, MC Stewart, J Twyman… Explaining the Election Outcome
0 0 0 H Clarke, D Sanders, M Stewart… 6 Travel tips for students of electoral choice
0 0 0 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, TJ Scotto Chapter Three: Too Close to Call: The 2004 Canadian Federal Election
Cites CitesPerYear CitesPerAuthor Authors Title
641 106.83 160 HD Clarke, M Goodwin, MJ Goodwin, P Whiteley Brexit
614 43.86 154 HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart, PF Whiteley Performance politics and the British voter
323 20.19 81 D Sanders, HD Clarke, MC Stewart, P Whiteley Does mode matter for modeling political choice? Evidence from the 2005 British Election Study
223 37.17 74 HD Clarke, M Goodwin, P Whiteley Why Britain voted for Brexit: An individual-level analysis of the 2016 referendum vote
161 13.42 40 D Sanders, HD Clarke, MC Stewart… Downs, stokes and the dynamics of electoral choice
146 14.6 37 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart Affluence, austerity and electoral change in Britain
143 10.21 48 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, TJ Scotto Making political choices: Canada and the United States
110 6.11 28 P Whiteley, MC Stewart, D Sanders… The issue agenda and voting in 2005
109 9.08 27 H Clarke, D Sanders, M Stewart… Valence politics and electoral choice in Britain, 2010
102 2.76 34 HD Clarke, MC Stewart, G Zuk Politics, economics and party popularity in Britain, 1979–83
91 13 23 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, D Sanders… Why do voters lose trust in governments? Public perceptions of government honesty and trustworthiness in Britain 2000–2013
84 12 21 H Clarke, P Whiteley, W Borges… Modelling the dynamics of support for a right-wing populist party: The case of UKIP
80 2.22 40 HD Clarke, MC Stewart Partisan inconsistency and partisan change in federal states: The case of Canada
76 1.95 38 HD Clarke, MC Stewart Dealignment of degree: Partisan change in Britain, 1974-83
73 5.62 18 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, D Sanders… Government performance and life satisfaction in contemporary Britain
66 5.5 22 J Reifler, TJ Scotto, HD Clarke Foreign policy beliefs in contemporary Britain: Structure and relevance
59 3.47 15 H Clarke, D Sanders, M Stewart… Taking the bloom off New Labour's rose: party choice and voter turnout in Britain, 2005
49 4.08 16 HD Clarke, TJ Scotto, A Kornberg Valence politics and economic crisis: Electoral choice in Canada 2008
48 4 8 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, TJ Scotto, J Reifler, D Sanders… Yes we can! Valence politics and electoral choice in America, 2008
44 2.44 11 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, J MacLeod… Too close to call: political choice in Canada, 2004
41 4.1 21 HD Clarke, GD Whitten Hard choices in hard times: Valence voting in Germany (2009)
39 4.33 10 TB Gravelle, TJ Scotto, J Reifler… Foreign policy beliefs and support for Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party
38 3.8 10 K Ho, HD Clarke, LK Chen, DLC Weng Valence politics and electoral choice in a new democracy: The case of Taiwan
37 2.18 9 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, T Scotto… Flawless campaign, fragile victory: Voting in Canada's 2006 federal election
32 0.94 16 HD Clarke, G Zuk The Dynamics of Third-Party Support: The British Liberals, 1951-79
29 4.14 7 P Whiteley, H Clarke, D Sanders… Hunting the Snark: A reply to “Re-evaluating valence models of political choice”
29 2.23 5 TJ Scotto, HD Clarke, A Kornberg, J Reifler, D Sanders… The dynamic political economy of support for Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential election campaign
28 0.78 14 HD Clarke, G Zuk The politics of party popularity: Canada 1974-1979
28 1.87 7 D Sanders, HD Clarke, MC Stewart… The endogeneity of preferences in spatial models: Evidence from the 2005 British Election Study
24 3 6 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, D Sanders… The economic and electoral consequences of austerity policies in Britain
23 0.61 12 HD Clarke, MC Stewart Short-term forces and partisan change in Canada: 1974–1980
22 2.2 4 W Borges, HD Clarke, MC Stewart, D Sanders… The emerging political economy of austerity in Britain
20 3.33 5 HD Clarke, TB Gravelle, TJ Scotto… Like father, like son: Justin Trudeau and valence voting in Canada's 2015 federal election
20 2 4 HD Clarke, W Borges, MC Stewart, D Sanders… The politics of austerity: Modeling British attitudes towards public spending cuts
18 2.25 6 S Birch, HD Clarke, P Whiteley Should 16-year-olds be allowed to vote in Westminster elections? Public opinion and electoral franchise reform
18 0.53 5 WL Miller, HD Clarke, MC Stewart… Studying how the economy affects public attitudes and behavior: Problems and prospects
17 1.21 4 HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart, P Whiteley The American voter's British cousin
13 0.28 3 JH Pammett, L LeDuc, J Jenson… The perception and impact of issues in the 1974 federal election
12 0.29 3 HD Clarke, J Jenson, L LeDuc… Voting Behaviour and the Outcome of the 1979 Federal Election: The Impact of Leaders and Issues
11 1.38 2 H Clarke, J Reifler, TJ Scotto, MC Stewart, P Whiteley Valence politics and voting in the 2012 US presidential election
11 5.5 4 H Clarke, MC Stewart, K Ho Did Covid‐19 kill Trump politically? The pandemic and voting in the 2020 presidential election
11 2.75 3 HD Clarke, J Jenson, L LeDuc, J Pammett Absent mandate: Strategies and choices in Canadian elections
11 0.61 3 D Sanders, H Clarke, M Stewart… The 2005 general election in Great Britain
11 0.26 3 L LeDuc, HD Clarke, J Jenson, JH Pammett Partisanship, Voting Behavior, and Election Outcomes in Canada
10 1.43 3 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart Forecasting the 2015 British general election: the seats-votes model
9 0.82 2 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, TJ Scotto… Political choices in hard times: voting in the 2010 US House elections
9 0.19 3 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, J Lee Ontario student party activists: a note on differential participation in a voluntary organization
9 1 2 H Clarke, D Sanders, M Stewart… Travel tips for students of electoral choice: the dynamics of partisanship in Britain and elsewhere
9 0.26 5 A Kornberg, HD Clarke and Partisan Instability in the 1980s
8 0.57 2 W Borges, HD Clarke, MC Stewart… The politics of austerity: Modeling British attitudes towards public spending cuts
8 0.16 2 A Kornberg, J Smith, MJ Clarke, HD Clarke Participation in local party organizations in the United States and Canada
7 1.17 4 MC Stewart, HD Clarke Economic voting
5 0.13 1 H Clarke, K Hildebrandt, L Le Duc… Issue Volatility and Partisan Linkages in Canada, Great Britain, the United States, and West Germany
5 0.24 1 HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart… Downs, stokes and modified rational choice: Modelling turnout in 2001
4 0.67 1 HD Clarke, M Goodwin, P Whiteley Why Britain voted to Leave (and what Boris Johnson had to do with it)
4 1 1 SH Wong, K Ho, HD Clarke Mass Production of individualized services: Machine politics in Hong Kong
3 1 2 HD Clarke, JH Pammett Environmental Issues in Recent British and Canadian Elections
3 0.6 1 KC Lee, W Tzeng, K Ho… Against Everything Involving China? Two Types of Sinophobia in Taiwan
3 0.15 1 D Sanders, H Clarke, M Stewart… The electoral impact of the 2001 UK general election campaign
2 0.15 1 H Clarke, D Sanders, M Stewart, P Whiteley Electoral Choice in Britain, 2010: Emerging Evidence From the BES
1 0.5 0 H Clarke, TJ Scotto, M Stewart In Canada's snap election, Justin Trudeau and the Liberals were both victims and beneficiaries of the COVID-19 crisis
1 0.5 0 P Whiteley, P Seyd, HD Clarke The Conservative Party: The victory of the Eurosceptics
1 0.17 0 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, M Stewart The rhetoric and reality of austerity: Electoral politics in Britain 2010 to 2015
0 0 0 H Clarke Valence Voting in the 2015 Federal Election
0 0 0 HD Clarke A Comparative Study of Valence Politics Using the British and Taiwan Election Survey Data Karl Ho, University of Texas at Dallas
0 0 0 P Whiteley, H Clarke, D Sanders… Hunting the Snark: A Reply to 'Re-Evaluating Valence Models of Political Choice”–CORRIGENDUM
0 0 0 P Whiteley, HD Clarke, M Goodwin, MC Stewart Brexit Britain: The Consequences of the Vote to Leave the European Union
0 0 0 K Ho, HD Clarke, LKT Chen A New Model of Performance Politics in Taiwan
0 0 0 SHW Wong, K Ho, HD Clarke… Does Loyalty Discourage Exit? Evidence from Post-2020 Hong Kong
0 0 0 VE Troeger, GD Whitten, CG Thies, O Chyzh… Political Science Research and Methods
0 0 0 HD Clarke, P Kellner, MC Stewart, J Twyman… Choosing to Vote and Choosing a Party
0 0 0 HD Clarke, P Kellner, MC Stewart, J Twyman… Policy Performance and Political Payoffs
0 0 0 HD Clarke, P Kellner, MC Stewart, J Twyman… The Politics of Discontent: Britain's Emerging Multi-Party Politics
0 0 0 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, J MacLeod, T Scotto Too Close to Call: Political Choice in Canada
0 0 0 HO Karl, HD CLARKE Sources of Electoral Support for Pro-Establishment Parties in the 2016 Legislative Council Election
0 0 0 HD Clarke, D Sanders, MC Stewart, PF Whiteley THE AMERICAN VOTER'S BRITISH COUSIN AT THE POLLS IN 2005
0 0 0 HD Clarke Paper Stones: A History of Electoral Socialism. By Adam Przeworski and John Sprague (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986. vi, 224p. $24.95).
0 0 0 HD Clarke, P Kellner, MC Stewart, J Twyman… Setting the Scene for 2015
0 0 0 HD Clarke, P Kellner, MC Stewart, J Twyman… Explaining the Election Outcome
0 0 0 H Clarke, D Sanders, M Stewart… 6 Travel tips for students of electoral choice
0 0 0 HD Clarke, A Kornberg, TJ Scotto Chapter Three: Too Close to Call: The 2004 Canadian Federal Election

"Valence" in abstracts

Production by year

Production by (co)author

This study investigates the role of valence politics in electoral choice in Taiwan, compared to the British valence model. Valence models focus on  party leader images, perceptions of party competence in managing the economy, and evaluations of the incumbent government's performance. Analyzing the vote choice in the 2008 and 2012 Taiwan presidential elections, the results reveal that valence politics, particularly leader images and economic competence, significantly influenced electoral choices in Taiwan. This closely resembles the British findings.


Ho, Karl, Harold D. Clarke, Li-Khan Chen, and Dennis Lu-Chung Weng. "Valence politics and electoral choice in a new democracy: The case of Taiwan." Electoral Studies 32, no. 3 (2013): 476-481.

Ho, Karl, Harold D. Clarke, Li-Khan Chen, and Dennis Lu-Chung Weng. "Valence politics and electoral choice in a new democracy: The case of Taiwan." Electoral Studies 32, no. 3 (2013): 476-481.

Ho, Karl, Harold D. Clarke, Li-Khan Chen, and Dennis Lu-Chung Weng. "Valence politics and electoral choice in a new democracy: The case of Taiwan." Electoral Studies 32, no. 3 (2013): 476-481.

Ho, Karl, Harold D. Clarke, Li-Khan Chen, and Dennis Lu-Chung Weng. "Valence politics and electoral choice in a new democracy: The case of Taiwan." Electoral Studies 32, no. 3 (2013): 476-481.

Ho, Karl, Harold D. Clarke, Li-Khan Chen, and Dennis Lu-Chung Weng. "Valence politics and electoral choice in a new democracy: The case of Taiwan." Electoral Studies 32, no. 3 (2013): 476-481.

Stylized facts virtually identical!

This paper analyzes of age cohort and period effects (APC) on political attitudes and behavior in a new Asian democracy, Taiwan. Analyses of KMT partisanship show a significant generational component, and analyses of political efficacy, political interest and electoral turnout suggest that inferences about age cohort and period effects can depend on how individual-level age effects are specified.


Ho, Karl, Dennis Lu-Chung Weng, and Harold D. Clarke. 2015. "Using repeated cross-sectional  surveys to study political attitudes and behavior in a new democracy: HAPC models for Taiwan." Electoral Studies 39: 256-263.

Ho, Karl, Dennis Lu-Chung Weng, and Harold D. Clarke. 2015. "Using repeated cross-sectional  surveys to study political attitudes and behavior in a new democracy: HAPC models for Taiwan." Electoral Studies 39: 256-263.

This paper develops a two-dimensional concept of Sinophobia (恐中) to study Taiwanese attitudes toward
mainland China as well as their sources and political consequences. Taiwanese skepticism toward China has
grown in recent years, concomitant with increasing cross-Strait interactions and exchanges. This has been
widely characterized as a “Sinophobia syndrome.” To investigate this phenomenon, we divide Sinophobia
into two types—“group-difference-driven” and “risk-driven”—and investigate whether the two types exert
different effects on individual preferences regarding policies involving China.


Lee, Kuan-Chen, Wei-feng Tzeng, Karl Ho, and Harold Clarke. 2018."Against Everything Involving China? Two Types of Sinophobia in Taiwan." Journal of Asian and African Studies 53, no. 6: 830-851.

Lee, Kuan-Chen, Wei-feng Tzeng, Karl Ho, and Harold Clarke. 2018."Against Everything Involving China? Two Types of Sinophobia in Taiwan." Journal of Asian and African Studies 53, no. 6: 830-851.

Ho, Karl, Stan Hok-Wui Wong, Harold D. Clarke and Kuan-chen Lee. 2018. “A Comparative Study of the China Factor in Taiwan and Hong Kong Elections” in Lee, Wei-chin ed. Taiwan's Political Re-Alignment and Diplomatic Challenges. Palgrave McMillan.

Ho, Karl, Stan Hok-Wui Wong, Harold D. Clarke and Kuan-chen Lee. 2018. “A Comparative Study of the China Factor in Taiwan and Hong Kong Elections” in Lee, Wei-chin ed. Taiwan's Political Re-Alignment and Diplomatic Challenges. Palgrave McMillan.

Ho, Karl, Stan Hok-Wui Wong, Harold D. Clarke and Kuan-chen Lee. 2018. “A Comparative Study of the China Factor in Taiwan and Hong Kong Elections” in Lee, Wei-chin ed. Taiwan's Political Re-Alignment and Diplomatic Challenges. Palgrave McMillan.

Valence model!

Ho, Karl, Stan Hok-Wui Wong, Harold D. Clarke and Kuan-chen Lee. 2018. “A Comparative Study of the China Factor in Taiwan and Hong Kong Elections” in Lee, Wei-chin ed. Taiwan's Political Re-Alignment and Diplomatic Challenges. Palgrave McMillan.

Wong, Stan Hok-Wui, Kelvin Chun-Man Chan, Karl Ho, and Harold D. Clarke. 2020. “Sources of  Electoral Support for Pro-Establishment Parties in the 2016 Legislative Council Election.”     In Joseph Cheng., Evaluations of the C. Y. Leung Administration.

Wong, Stan Hok-Wui, Karl Ho and Harold D. Clarke 2019. “Mass Production of Individualized Services: Machine Politics in Hong Kong”. Journal of Electoral Studies.

Wong, Stan Hok-Wui Wong, Kuan-Chen Lee, Karl Ho and Harold D. Clarke (2019) Immigrant Influx and Generational Politics: A Comparative Case Study of Hong Kong and Taiwan. Electoral     Studies.


Hong Kong Election Study 2015 - 2021

  • Strong foot print of Harold D. Clarke research in studies of East Asian democracies.

  • Systemic factors drive East Asian democracies to different directions

  • Choices of voters from these countries decide systemic change: one to stable, growing democracy, the other to contentious politics when the mandate becomes absent.

  • Valence represents choice of the population.  When options are available, institutions are maintained through competition-driven performance.  On the other hand, when the "market-system" fails, system collapse follows.



Comparative Electoral Studies in New Democracies: the cases of Taiwan and Hong Kong

By Karl Ho

Comparative Electoral Studies in New Democracies: the cases of Taiwan and Hong Kong

  • 309