Check up on R

What is a project in RStudio for ?

  • Manage/Store R code, objects in a directory  
  • Save workspace
  • Publishing (e.g. website, slides, book)
  • Application development (i.e. software creation)

What is the fastest read/write package in R?

The shortest code to select two columns of a dataset?

  • dataset[,c(1,2)]

The following expression returns:

  • 5 + NA
  • NA

What does this mean?

  • Create or transform a variable

Is there an easier way to create this object?

x <- c(1,2,3,4)

How about x = c(1:4)?

What is the difference between tibble and data.frame?

Use class()

What package will interface R with Python?

R interface to Python modules, classes, and functions. When calling into Python R data types are automatically converted to their equivalent Python types. When values are returned from Python to R they are converted back to R types. The reticulate package is compatible with all versions of Python >= 2.7. Integration with NumPy requires NumPy version 1.6 or higher.

R programmers like cats or dogs?
Never see a website like that for dog lovers.
Prove me wrong.

Why use R for data science?

  • It's for generalist

  • Largest user community (only comparable to Python)
  • Statistics
  • Visualization
  • Portable, lots of Interfaces (RCPP, reticulate)

Quiz: R

By Karl Ho

Quiz: R

  • 176