Building the Modern
Web App

Kevin C Chen 
@ Research Team

Before we begin...



Little bit of Recap...

Traditional X-Tier Architecture

Facial treatment first...

Making it beautiful...and...

Flat Design

Material Design

Create a visual language that synthesizes classic principles of good design with the innovation and possibility of technology and science"

--- Google Material Design

Material Design

Material design is guided by print-based design elements—such as typography, grids, space, scale, color, and imagery—to create hierarchy, meaning, and focus that immerse the user in the experience"

--- Google Material Design

Adaptive UI

Video source: Google Material Design

An example app layout with an open navigation drawer, along with a cross-section diagram of its component elevations along its z-axis.


 Layout structure - Mobile

 Layout structure - Tablet

 Layout structure - Desktop


The Prototype

We could just reskin the front end...

Material Design

Let's Face it...

How do we ensure the quality
of front-end code? Unit Test?

HTML + JSP + Javascript + jQuery  = 
Spaghetti code

Hard to implement and reuse

Sustainable development?

Technologies for building SPA



a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications

Single Page Application (SPA) Architecture

Single Page Application (SPA) Test Coverage Report

Ready to take a Plunge?




SPA Test Automation

Building the Modern Web App

By Kevin C.

Building the Modern Web App

The sharings highlights the general architectural differences between the traditional J2EE Web Application Vs Single-page Application (SPA). In particular, a SPA build with AngularJS was used as an example in the demo.

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