Katya Malinova PRO
I am an Associate Professor, Mackenzie Investments Chair in Evidence-Based Investment Management at the DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, Canada.
Instructor: Katya Malinova
This slide deck was developed in collaboration with Andreas Park (University of Toronto)
usually post 2008
outside of traditional financial institutions
goal: disrupt existing FIs
this is really squishy ...
relative wage=avg wage in finance/avg rest of economy
Source: Philippon (AER 2015) "Has the U.S. Finance Industry Become Less Efficient?"
Source: Philippon (AER 2015) "Has the U.S. Finance Industry Become Less Efficient?"
Source: Philippon (AER 2015) "Has the U.S. Finance Industry Become Less Efficient?"
Ratio of the income of financial intermediaries to the quantity of intermediated assets
Source: Philippon & Reshef (JEP 2013)
Example: One of the first segments that were disrupted from the outside: equity trading
Source: Bloomberg News, Feb 20, 2015
Note: The biggest disruptors (the HFTs) came from the outside of the traditional system (kinda).
entire career streams disappear
MIT Technology Review, Feb 07, 2017
Markets get better: the post earnings announcement drift had been a long-standing puzzle in finance. ... It's gone.
Source: Martineau (UofT) (WP2017)
Fastest Computer in 1985!
"the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year since their invention."
Source: "Unlocking the human opportunity: Future-proof skills to move financial services forward"; PwC report for the Toronto Financial Services Alliance, April 2018
Key features
Approach: Propositions that are
based on EY 2017 FinTech report
Impact on incumbents: struggle to deliver the seamless and personalized user experience.
Consequence: ripple effect
based on EY 2017 FinTech report
Problem for incumbents
Source: EY FinTech Adoption Index 2017
Source: Philippon (2017)
Clayton Christensen: customers don’t buy products; instead, they hire a solution to help them complete a specific job at a specific time.
4. Big Tech Firms
3. Those that work to replace or change the financial system as we know it.
Lending and Borrowing
Wealth Management
Investment Banking Services
5% to cab firm and 10-day delay
International remittances: $600B (U.S.) p.a.
all in: 10% fees
Importance of Real-Time Payments
500M users in India
free international transfers at Interbank rates
used by >60% of total population in Denmark
Lending and Borrowing
price for loan
effort required to get loan
Lower losses than competitors
Example: Upstart
AI& Machine Learning
Example: Lending Club
Source: Jagtiani & Lemieux, 2017, Philly Fed Working Paper 17-17
Future: Scalability
Source: Jagtiani & Lemieux, 2017, Philly Fed Working Paper 17-17
some key changes in recent years:
Nokia's market shares for devices:
What did they pay for?
What do people value?
As banks move data into "the cloud," why do we need banks?
By Katya Malinova
This deck is for the first lecture of F741 'Intro to FinTech". The slides are organized in a 2x2 array. It is intended to be viewed "column by column" (i.e., go "down"first and then "right").
I am an Associate Professor, Mackenzie Investments Chair in Evidence-Based Investment Management at the DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, Canada.