Angular x

Web Components

Suguru Inatomi


about me

  • laco / Suguru Inatomi
  • Work @Kaizen Platform
    • Frontend Dev.
  • ng-japan Organizer
  • Angular Contributor

6/16 ng-japan 2018


1. Angular "on" WC

2. Angular "with" WC

3. Angular "for" WC

1. Angular "on" WC

  • Custom Elements

  • Shadow DOM

  • Template

  • HTML Imports

Web Components

Custom Elements

Angular Component

Component is like CE

  • Emulating Custom Elements

    • Custom Tag

      • as HTMLUnknownElement

    • Input: Custom Attributes

    • Output: Custom Events

Component Style Guide

  • SHOULD Use kebab-case selector

    • Follow CE specification

Shadow DOM

Component Styles

  • Components can have its own styles

    • ​Automatic CSS Scoping 

  • CSS Encapsulation Strategy

    1. Emulated Shadow DOM
    2. Native Shadow DOM Support

  • DEMO
  • Emulated

  • Native

    • Require browser support

    • No overhead

Emulated vs Native

2. Angular "with" WC

  • 100% Support!
  • Same to native elements / components
    • [propName]
    • []
    • (eventName)

Custom Elements Support


  • Enable to use Unknown Tags
  • DEMO

Web Platform Collaboration

  • Create: Polymer
  • Publish: Web Components
  • Use: Angular

3. Angular "for" WC

  • Vanilla JS

    • extends HTMLElement

  • Polymer

    • extends PolymerElement

  • Vue

    • vue build --target wc 

  • Angular

    • ???

How to make CEs?

Angular Elements

Angular for www



  • Angular is based on Web Components

  • Angular works with Web Components

  • Angular for making Web Components

Angular x Web Components

Angular ♥ Web Components!


Suguru Inatomi


AngularとWeb Components

By Suguru Inatomi

AngularとWeb Components

Web Components Cafe #2

  • 6,106