Leonardo Losoviz
Creator of Gato GraphQL, and contributor to several online magazines, including Smashing Magazine and CSS Tricks.
Imitating paper on a computer screen is like tearing the wings off a 747 and using it as a bus on the highway.
— Ted Nelson
<!-- wp:image {"align":"center"} -->
<div class="wp-block-image">
<figure class="aligncenter">
<img src="https://cldup.com/cXyG__fTLN.jpg" alt="Beautiful landscape"/>
<figcaption>If your theme supports it, you’ll see the "wide" button on
the image toolbar. Give it a try.</figcaption>
<!-- /wp:image -->
By Leonardo Losoviz
Presentation for WordPress Singapore Meetup, June 2019
Creator of Gato GraphQL, and contributor to several online magazines, including Smashing Magazine and CSS Tricks.