Faculty Mentor Session

Making your Canvas materials accessible

with Dr. Leah Macfadyen and Ian Linkletter

"We recognize that to create inclusive environments our programs and services need to be accessible to those with disabilities. Our staff have taken leadership roles in researching and implementing ways to enhance web usability for learners of all abilities. We are committed to continually improving the accessibility of our programs whether it is through online mediums or our in-person, face-to-face programming."

Accessibility as a Pillar of PDCE

Accessibility helps make education available to everyone

BCcampus Accessibility Toolkit

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

Accessibility in the UBC context

  • Alt text in Canvas (images)
  • Kaltura Captions (videos)
  • Collaborate Ultra/Zoom Captionist Role (synchronous web conferencing)
  • Canvas Link Checker (web links and permissions)
  • Ally (a new tool to scan your course)

Alt text in Canvas

Screenshot of the Insert/Edit image interface from when uploading an image in the Canvas Rich Content Editor. A green arrow points to the "Alt text" field for users to enter alt text to an image.

When adding or editing an image:

Kaltura Captions

Screenshot of the Kaltura interface when viewing an uploaded video. A green arrow points to the "Captions Requests" option under the Actions menu.

When editing an uploaded video:

Captionist Role

  • Collaborate Ultra and Zoom both have this
  • Centre for Accessibility can help

Canvas Course Link Validator


  • Available in Course Settings
  • Needs to run the first time
  • Checks all web links
  • Checks all Canvas links and permissions

Ally Demo

New Accessibility Scan Service!

Please help us spread the word!

Accessibility Scan?

  1. We'll have Ally enabled for you.
  2. We'll run the Canvas Link Checker.
  3. We'll follow up when it's done.
  4. Let's meet and make a plan.
  5. We will help you!






Faculty Mentor Session - Accessibility Presentation

By Ian Linkletter

Faculty Mentor Session - Accessibility Presentation

A presentation to UBC Faculty of Education faculty and staff who wish to improve accessibility in their online courses.

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