👋 Hi, I'm Ian Linkletter 👋

  • Educational Technologist
  • Faculty Support
  • Project Manager
  • Learning Designer
  • A career in online higher education

What is learning / instructional design?

I am incredibly fortunate to work with a team that discusses this a lot. I am thankful to have learned so much from them.





As a process

There are various models for instructional or learning design. In Higher Education, they are usually implemented to support the focused development of consistently excellent courses.

As a noun

"A sequence of learning tasks, resources, and supports"

(Lockyer, et al., 2013)

As a process

As a noun

Centered around:


  • The Learner
  • Learning Objectives
  • Pedagogical Intention
  • Course Context

Skills for success

Leadership: maximizing the potential of a team, helping support everyone's success





Passion: A balance of creativity and attention to detail


Listening: striving to clarify and effectively communicate intentions, efforts, and progress



3 professional values that guide my work

My Core Values

  1. Education as a social good
  2. Respect for one another
  3. Collaboration builds community

In team-based course development, what is the role(s) of the learning designer?

  • Project management
  • Staying on track
  • Focus on the overall vision
  • Ensuring quality
  • Asking "what" and "why"

What are some of the most challenging aspects about learning design work? What do you like most? Least?

  • First: I invite challenges and feedback
  • I really like working with faculty
  • I am fortunate to work with talented people who believe in what we do
  • Project management is fun!
  • Static deadlines with slipping milestones are stressful and inefficient
  • Proximity to $ is a distraction


Bring it on.

Ian: the learning designer?

By Ian Linkletter

Ian: the learning designer?

This was really fun. I had the opportunity to think deeply about if I could be a learning designer. I realized along the way that I may already be one.

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