Reconciliation Through Indigenous Education

A Massive Online Course

"This course will enable educators to envision how Indigenous ways of knowing, content, perspectives, and pedagogies can be made part of classrooms, schools, and communities in ways that are thoughtful and respectful."

  • 5000 enrolments from 120 countries

  • 2000+ active students

  • 625 students received a certificate


Daily Student Enrolments


120 countries

3447 Canadian students!

510 American students

92 Australian students

We got the word out!

454 verified students!

People valued this.

Learning Goals

Course Staff

Instructor: Dr. Jan Hare

Teaching Assistant: Sara Davidson

Teaching Assistant: Anita Parhar


Advisory Group

DeDe DeRose, Kamloops School District

Diane Jubinville, District Aboriginal Principal, Delta School District

Gail Stromquist, Aboriginal Education, British Columbia Teacher’s Federation

Dr. Jo-ann Archibald, Associate Dean of Indigenous Education, UBC

Starleigh Grass, First Nations Education Steering Committee

Don Fiddler, District Aboriginal Principal, Vancouver School Board


Dr. Jo-ann Archibald

Kaleb Child

Larry Grant

Peggy Janicki

Dr. Verna Kirkness

Virginia Morgan

Dr. Cynthia Nichol

Gerry Oleman

Dr. Jean Phillips

Shane Pointe

Roberta Pryce

Dr. Andrew Schofield

Development Staff

Team Lead: Natasha Boskic

Multimedia Producer: Sharon Hu

Video Production: UBC Studios

Tech Lead: Ian Linkletter

Graphic Designer: Bill Pickard

Quality Assurance: Eleanor Hoskins

Quality Assurance: Austin Lee


Extra Thanks

Saeed Dyanatkar

Mark Edwards

Will Engle

Mairin Kerr

Gregor Kiczales

Sarah Lockman

Beni Loti

Barry Magrill

Heather McGregor

Jeff Miller

Jason Myers

Nicole Ronan

Derek White

Jenny Wong

Spreading the Word

Spreading the Word

How PDCE promoted the course to educators in Canada and beyond

Spreading the Word

  • Provide opportunities to contribute
  • Engage the community
  • Be specific

Spreading the Word

Provide opportunities to contribute

Spreading the Word

Engage the community

Spreading the Word

Be specific

3447 Canadian students!

510 American students

92 Australian students

We got the word out!

Orienting Students to Technology

Course Orientation

  • Welcome Announcement
  • edX Orientation Video
  • Planning Your Weeks

Course Orientation

Welcome Announcement

Course Orientation Video

Course Orientation

Planning Your Weeks

The First Deadline

The First Deadline

  • Countdown Timer
  • Planned Extension - fake deadline!

The First Deadline

Countdown Timer

The First Deadline

Planned Extension

  • Deadline was at midnight on a Saturday
  • We emailed a reminder on Friday
  • We planned to "make an exception"
  • We extended for one week
  • Students received an email announcing this

The First Deadline

Initial Deadline: 451 submissions

After extension?


625 students ended up passing the course

Assessment at Scale

Assessment at Scale

How might a peer-assessed assignment lead to frustration? How could it be designed to ensure fair and helpful feedback?

Assessment at Scale

  • Example Assignment
  • Clear Rubric
  • Multiple Assessments

Assessment at Scale

Example Assignment

Assessment at Scale

Example Assignment

Assessment at Scale

Clear Rubric

Assessment at Scale

Clear Rubric

Assessment at Scale

Multiple Assessments

Assessment at Scale

  • Assignment was clear
  • Everyone received feedback
  • Feedback wasn't very deep

What's Next?

  • Summer Institute
  • Reuse of Media

We're doing it again!

September 29th!

Reconciliation Through Indigenous Education: A Massive Online Course

By Ian Linkletter

Reconciliation Through Indigenous Education: A Massive Online Course

Ian Linkletter's UBC Faculty of Education TEC Expo 2015 presentation. This presentation took place on July 8th, 2015, in the Scarfe Neville building at UBC Vancouver.

  • 1,595