What is Scala?
Functional/OO multiparadigm language
Statically and strongly typed
Runs on the JVM (Java)
Combines elements of languages like Haskell, OCaml, Java, Erlang
Killer features:
Higher order functions, first class functions (e.g. 'map', 'flatMap
'case class'es - i.e. data classes
pattern matching
emphasis on immutability
- Only need a few things to be productive:
- 'sbt' - scala's build tool
- Think: maven, gradle, npm, leiningen
- OS X: `brew install sbt`
- JDK8+ - Scala runs on the JVM
- Text editor or IntelliJ IDEA
- 'sbt' - scala's build tool
sbt tasks
- Important tasks
- 'clean' - removes compiled .class files and other artifacts in target/ folder, akin to clearing cache
- 'compile' - compiles your project
- 'test' - runs tests
- 'run' - runs your code if it can find a main
- Prefixing '~' to tasks will place a continuous watch on the project and will re-execute on writes (~compile will recompile the whole project on file saves)
Typical Project Structure
- src/main/scala/... - source code
- build.sbt - Build file (like package.json)
- target/ - generated classes, artifacts, jars, etc
- project/build.properties - sets sbt version
- project/plugins.sbt - sbt plugins
(can be divided into subprojects, more on that in the future)
Light Intro to Some(Scala Features)
- 'Container' types and what they represent
- Option - a value or lack thereof
- Try - a value or failure wrapped over exception
- Future - async value or failure wraped over exception
- Case classes - data classes with default immutable fields, pattern matching
- Higher order functions - e.g. List.map
- For-comprehensions
scala crash course
By longcao
scala crash course
- 1,560