Big Data at the Intersection of Typed FP and Category Theory Abstract Algebra
About me
- Software Engineer on data science team @ Coatue Management
- Scala for the last 6 years, data engineering for the last 2.5
- Based in New York, NY (Brooklyn)
- Things I like:
- Coffee, beer, whiskey
- Travel
- Music (hip hop, synthwave)
- Sports (soccer, bouldering)
- Fountain pens (!!)
- Sneakers
Where I work
- What we do: data engineering @ Coatue
- Terabyte scale, billions of rows
- Lambda architecture
- Typed functional programming
- Stack
- Scala (cats, shapeless, fs2, http4s, etc.)
- Spark
- AWS (EMR, Redshift, etc.)
- R, Python
- Tableau
- Offices in NYC and Menlo Park, CA
- Email:, Twitter: @oacgnol
What this talk is about
Aggregations at small and large scales
- Small = local JVMs, List[T]
- Large = big data, e.g. Spark's Dataset[T] or RDD[T]
Semigroups and monoids for the working data engineer: how are they related to aggregation functions?
- How these abstractions enable code reuse
- Defined with laws: a set of axioms that instances of these abstractions (should) obey
First: an aggregation in SQL
> select * from my_table;
name | x | y
a | 1 | 500
b | 2 | 1000
c | 3 | 5000
> select sum(x) from my_table;
Nice and simple.
Translation to local Scala
val nums = List(1,2,3)
val sum = nums.fold(0) { (x1, x2) =>
x1 + x2
// sum = 6
Still pretty simple.
Translation to Spark
val nums: Dataset[Int] =
val sum = nums.rdd.fold(0) { (x1, x2) =>
x1 + x2
// sum = 6
- Folds (reduces) in Spark are distributed
- Parallelization across executors
- Fold within partitions first, then fold final results
val nums = spark.createDataset(List(1,2,3))
val sum = nums.rdd.fold(0) { (x1, x2) =>
x1 + x2
// sum = 6
Can we abstract these folds away for reuse?
val nums = List(1,2,3)
val sum = nums.fold(0) { (x1, x2) =>
x1 + x2
// sum = 6
First pass at a typeclass
trait Combinable[A] {
def zero: A
def combine(x: A, y: A): A
implicit val addCombinable = new Combinable[Int] {
def zero: Int = 0
def combine(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y
def fold[T](
list: List[T]
)(implicit m: Combinable[T]): T = {
list.fold( { (t1, t2) =>
m.combine(t1, t2)
fold(List(1,2,3)) == 6
AKA: Monoid[A]
trait Monoid[A] {
def empty: A
def combine(x: A, y: A): A
implicit val addMonoid = new Monoid[Int] {
def empty: Int = 0
def combine(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y
def fold[T](
list: List[T]
)(implicit m: Monoid[T]): T = {
list.fold( { (t1, t2) =>
m.combine(t1, t2)
fold(List(1,2,3)) == 6
Monoid laws
- Laws: like an extra set of rules that instances should also to adhere to
- From Scaladoc:
- List#fold: "a binary operator that must be associative."
- RDD#fold: "using a given associative function [...] for functions that are not commutative, the result may differ from that of a fold applied to a non-distributed collection"
Monoid laws
- combine(combine(x, y), z) ==
combine(x, combine(y, z))
- combine(combine(x, y), z) ==
- combine(x, y) == combine(y, x)
- Relevant in distributed aggregation since order and associativity aren't necessarily guaranteed across partitions
Monoid laws
import cats.kernel.CommutativeMonoid
val addMonoid = new CommutativeMonoid[Int] {
def empty: Int = 0
def combine(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y
// Run through cats law testing
- Let's add commutativity to our monoid:
Monoid laws
[info] SimpleFoldsTest:
[info] - addingMonoid.commutativeMonoid.associative
[info] - addingMonoid.commutativeMonoid.collect0
[info] - addingMonoid.commutativeMonoid.combine all
[info] - addingMonoid.commutativeMonoid.combineAllOption
[info] - addingMonoid.commutativeMonoid.commutative
[info] - id
[info] - addingMonoid.commutativeMonoid.left identity
[info] - addingMonoid.commutativeMonoid.repeat0
[info] - addingMonoid.commutativeMonoid.repeat1
[info] - addingMonoid.commutativeMonoid.repeat2
[info] - addingMonoid.commutativeMonoid.right identity
(yes, all the tests are green and passing)
Monoids and Dataset
def fold[T](
ds: Dataset[T]
)(implicit cm: CommutativeMonoid[T]): T = {
ds.rdd.fold(cm.empty) { (t1, t2) =>
cm.combine(t1, t2)
- Enforce commutativity as well on the typeclass instance:
- Given we've now tried to follow Spark's guidance as much as possible, we trust the process to parallelize at runtime
How about a custom type?
case class MyType(
name: String,
x: Int,
y: Option[Long])
// Can't really define empty for MyType
// Semigroup is like a Monoid without an `empty`
val cg = new CommutativeSemigroup[MyType] {
override def combine(
mt1: MyType,
mt2: MyType
): MyType = {
name =, // pick a side... hmm...
x = mt1.x combine mt2.x,
y = mt1.y combine mt2.y)
How about a custom type?
[info] SimpleCustomMonoidsTest:
[info] - CommutativeSemigroup[MyType].commutativeSemigroup.associative
[info] - CommutativeSemigroup[MyType].commutativeSemigroup.combineAllOption
[info] - CommutativeSemigroup[MyType].commutativeSemigroup.commutative *** FAILED ***
[info] GeneratorDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException was thrown during property evaluation.
[info] (Discipline.scala:14)
[info] Falsified after 4 successful property evaluations.
[info] Location: (Discipline.scala:14)
[info] Occurred when passed generated values (
[info] arg0 = MyType(儐,-193145333,None),
[info] arg1 = MyType(,0,None)
[info] )
[info] Label of failing property:
[info] Expected: MyType(,-193145333,None)
[info] Received: MyType(儐,-193145333,None)
How would I do this in SQL?
sum(x) as x,
sum(y) as y
group by name;
- Ultimately, I actually want to combine values for rows by key (name)
- Let's try translating that into a Monoid in Scala:
implicit val myTypeListMonoid = new Monoid[List[MyType]] {
override def empty: List[MyType] = List.empty[MyType]
override def combine(
x: List[MyType],
y: List[MyType]
): List[MyType] = {
(x ++ y).groupBy(
.map { case (k, myTypes) =>
myTypes.reduce { (mt1, mt2) =>
name =,
x = mt1.x combine mt2.x,
y = mt1.y combine mt2.y)
implicit def myTypeDatasetMonoid(
implicit spark: SparkSession
) = new Monoid[Dataset[MyType]] {
import spark.implicits._
override def empty: Dataset[MyType] =
override def combine(
ds1: Dataset[MyType],
ds2: Dataset[MyType]
): Dataset[MyType] = {
.reduceGroups { (mt1, mt2) =>
name =,
x = mt1.x combine mt2.x,
y = mt1.y combine mt2.y)
- Having to provide concrete instances for each type and then each collection type (monomorphic)
- Could we abstract more logic away to do this? (Hint: typeclasses, again)
Pulling out a common pattern
- We are grouping by a key and combining only the values
- Try a simple typeclass for this:
trait KeyValue[T, K, V] extends Serializable {
def to(t: T): (K, V)
def from(k: K, v: V): T
Pulling out a common pattern
object MyType {
case class Values(
x: Int,
y: Option[Long])
implicit val kv =
new KeyValue[MyType, String, MyType.Values] {
def to(mt: MyType): (String, MyType.Values) =
(, MyType.Values(mt.x, mt.y))
def from(k: String, v: MyType.Values): MyType =
MyType(k, v.x, v.y)
Pulling out a common pattern
import cats.implicits._
// CommutativeSemigroup that combines
// only the _values_ of MyType
implicit val sg =
new CommutativeSemigroup[MyType.Values] {
override def combine(
v1: MyType.Values,
v2: MyType.Values
): MyType.Values = {
// delegate to cats Semigroup instances
x = v1.x combine v2.x,
y = v1.y combine v2.y)
Now try the new approach...
implicit def kvListMonoid[T, K, V: CommutativeSemigroup](
implicit kver: KeyValue[T, K, V]
) = new Monoid[List[T]] {
override def empty: List[T] = List.empty[T]
override def combine(
x: List[T],
y: List[T]): List[T] = {
(x ++ y).map(
.map { case (k, kvs) =>
val combined: V = kvs
.reduce(_ combine _)
kver.from(k, combined)
New Monoid[Dataset[T]
def kvDatasetMonoid[T: Encoder, K: Encoder, V: Encoder: CommutativeSemigroup](
implicit kver: KeyValue[T, K, V], spark: SparkSession
) = new Monoid[Dataset[T]] {
import cats.implicits._
private val tupleEncoder: Encoder[(K, V)] = Encoders.tuple[K, V](
override def empty: Dataset[T] = spark.emptyDataset[T]
override def combine(ds1: Dataset[T], ds2: Dataset[T]): Dataset[T] = {
.groupByKey((kv: (K, V)) => kv._1)
.reduceGroups { (kv1: (K, V), kv2: (K, V)) =>
val (k1, v1) = kv1
val (k2, v2) = kv2
(k1, v1 combine v2)
.map { kkv: (K, (K, V)) =>
val (k, (kv)) = kkv
kver.from(k, kv._2)
What did we just do?
- Reusable CommutativeSemigroup[V]s
- Reusable combines for List[T] and Dataset[T]
Caveats, other ideas
- The new monoids we've just defined are a little finicky with respect to law checking (see the talk repo to be linked)
- Note: sometimes unlawful instances can be useful (see: alleycats)
- Also probably need performance tuning
- Shapeless for automatic typeclass derivation?
- Other big data frameworks:
- Flink, Hadoop, Beam, etc.
Further reading
Semigroups and Monoids in real use
- twitter/algebird (Aggregators)
- typelevel/frameless
- Code for this talk:
- Slides:
Thanks for listening!
Big Data at the Intersection of Typed FP and Abstract Algebra
By longcao
Big Data at the Intersection of Typed FP and Abstract Algebra
Typelevel Summit Boston 2018:
- 2,473