Evaluation Question 2

"How effective is the combination of your main product (video) and ancillary texts (digipak and advertisement)?

What Is Synergy?

The interaction of two products to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.

Synergy is important as it a form of advertisement as it shows a clear connection between the media products to the audience and makes it easier for the audience to recognise an artist's media products due to the synergy links, such as font, colour scheme and the artist themselves.

Aspects Of Video Which Link With Digipak and Advertisement?

Artist included as narrator and character

The artist himself acts as a synergy link as his face clearly features in the music video, digipak and advertisement.

A dim filter

As seen  above, I used a black and white filter and the same font within my media products to portray a clear visual connection between them other than just the artist.

How Audience Recognise Them As Linked Products?

As you can see I was majorly influenced by the simplicity of Ed Sheeran's album. Like Sheeran, I used the same colour scheme through my products and I also featured the same mid shot on my artist- the way Sheeran did.

How Successful Is My Use Of Synergy?

According to my audience feedback, my use of synergy was very successful as it follows the conventions of the Indie genre.


The use of my synergy reached out to the intended audience correctly as it clearly conveys the connection between my media products, e.g. through the black and white filter, the repetitive use of a mid shot of my artist and the same type-writer font which appeals to the my wider audience of older males as it gives them a sense of nostalgia to when Indie was first introduced (in the 80s).

Evaluation Question 2

By lorita

Evaluation Question 2

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