The entanglement of emotion and reality: an investigation of the Taiwanese people's attitudes towards Taigi


Hui-ju Hsu


研究方法 - 講話者、文本、受訪者、流程




背景 - Taigi: From dominant, to shifted, to the RLS era

Taigi had for decades undergoned the overall suppression of other languages during the era of the Mandarin-only policy after World War Taiwan. In 1946...Guoyu yuntung, literally national language movement, was initiated in least two reasons...intended to ‘de-Japanise’, and, on the other hand, to ‘Chinaise’ Taiwanese people.

...was strictly enforced for roughly four decades. Only Mandarin was allowed in most public domains...students speaking Taigi or other Taiwanese languages at school would be punished...the KMT government additionally applied other covert measures, such as stigmatising Taigi-speaking roles on soap operas to subtly blacken Taigi’s image, so that people would eventually psychologically accept Mandarin and reject Taigi.

  1. 差不多佇國民黨統治臺灣以後,就開始推捒國語運動,對這時開始的四十年,臺灣話佮其他的臺灣語言,開始受著政府的壓迫
  2. 「去日本化」、「中國化」
  3. 公共場所、學校 e.g.打整(táⁿ-chéng)(處罰)
  4. 佇戲劇內污名化臺灣話



背景 - 對優勢語言到反轉,閣到再反轉的年代

The interlocking effects of the Mandarin-only policy...(happened) the language shift from Taigi to Mandarin, and the Taigi RLS movements, resulted in various types of Taigi/Mandarin bilinguals. The most typical types of such bilingualism are the Taigi-L1/Mandarin-L2 of the old generation and the Mandarin-L1/Taigi-L2 found among the young generation...the 'L1' and 'L2' index denotes the degree of nativeness,not necessarily overlapping with the acquisition order.

...such as English to Welsh and Irish, L2 Taigi is coloured by Mandarin, mainly transfers, loanwords, and codeswitching...Young Taigi speakers...tend to apply this phonotactic rule (Mandarin's) to Taigi. The Taigi...nasal [m] is likely to be replaced by [n] or [ŋ], and ...(e.g. [p], [t], [k], and [ʔ]) are likely to be dropped. Similar replacement- or-dropping performances can also be observed at syllable-initials. The Taigi...[ɡ] tends to be either dropped or replaced by its voiceless counterpart [k] as Mandarin has only one velar plosive, [k].

背景 - The features of L2 Taigi

For instance, the Taigi kam-question, in which the question marker kam occurs between subject and VP, are structurally replaced by the Mandarin ma-question, in which the question marker ma occurs sentence-finally

背景 - The features of L2 Taigi

  1. L1臺/L2華、L1華/L2臺:L1和L2是對原生程度來分,毋是對學習順序來分
  2. L2臺灣話受著足濟華語的影響,親像毋旦有語言移轉(e.g. 嗎)、借詞,閣有語碼轉換(臺華濫)
  3. 肖年人較會用華語的發音規則來講臺灣話:
  4. [-m] → [n] or [ŋ](ng)
  5. [p], [t], [k], [ʔ] (p,t,k,h) 落勾去
  6. [g-]毋是落勾就是唸成[k-],因為華語干焦有[k]爾
  7. 「敢-問句」予華語的「嗎-問句」取代:你敢有錢→你有錢嗎

背景 - 臺灣話作為第二語言的差別

...together with Mandarin promotion, Taigi was stigmatised through various means. ...For instance, Sedlak (1976), through matched-guise technique, surveyed some Taiwanese graduate students'...The results indicated that Mandarin symbolised higher education, superiority, youthfulness, and activeness. Taigi, on the other hand, was more likely to be related to politeness and friendliness. Adams (1986; cited in Su 2011) applied a direct survey and an indirect survey of Taiwanese college students' and high school students' attitudes towards Taigi and Mandarin. Both surveys found that the subjects preferred Mandarin, perceiving Mandarin speakers as more competent, more elegant, and more modern, and they also felt Mandarin was more appropriate as a language in public domains.

The...status began to shift after the 1990s. It seems that Taigi benefited from Taigi RLS movements...Despite the fact that a few studies showed pessimistic opinions towards Taigi promotion, most ​existing studies regarding language attitudes towards Taigi revitalisation show positive opinions.

背景 - Previous studies of language attitudes towards Mandarin and Taigi in Taiwan

... Two findings of that study(Su, 2011) deserve close attention. First, female students were more positive than male students towards Taiwanese local languages. Second, students from urban areas were more positive towards Taiwanese local languages than those from non-urban areas. These two findings imply that the long-term negative image imposed on Taiwanese local languages may have been eliminated, or at least largely alleviated, as female and urban speakers, in general, are more likely to adopt the more positively judged language. Khóo (2011) further suggested an ongoing change involving the 'prestigious Mandarin versus stigmatised Taiwanese local language' stereotype. He surveyed the attitudes of junior high school students' parents towards Taiwanese local languages revitalisation movements and policies. Although they spoke Mandarin as their major or only language and 70% of them considered Mandarin as their native language, these subjects, most in their 40s and raised in a nearly Mandarin-only setting, supported the policy of Taiwanese local language revitalisation in school education. Sixty per cent of the subjects supported this policy, and only 6.6% of them expressed disagreement.

背景 - Previous studies of language attitudes towards Mandarin and Taigi in Taiwan

  1. 臺灣話hông對足濟面向污名化:1976年,研究表示一般人感覺華語較有受過較好的教育、較優越、較少年嘛較有活力;臺灣語的感覺是較有禮貌佮較友善。1986年的研究,發現的是一般人認為華語者較有能力、較文雅閣較現代,閣認為華語是一个較適合佇公共場所使用的語言。
  2. 這个現象佇1990年代以後開始轉換
  3. 2011年的研究發現,查某學生比查埔學生閣較正面看待臺灣本土語言,而且,都市地區的學生閣比毋是都市地區的學生較正面看待這件代誌
  4. 佇華語獨尊年代生長的家長的觀點:有60%支持相關的政策

背景 - 臺灣過去對華語佮臺灣話態度的研究

As reviewed above, most language attitudes studies after the Taigi RLS movements have showed positive attitudes towards Taigi. However, such positive attitudes seem not to have translated into rising active speaking of Taigi.

Chen's (2007) language vitality survey indicated that Taiwanese local languages, including Taigi, remained shifted and that the implementation of the Taiwanese local languages courses in elementary school did not boost the stagnant intergenerational transmission of these languages, including, of course, Taigi. The results of the Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS) indicated a similar 'activeattitude, passive-performance' situation.

背景 - The current gap between attitude and performance of Taigi

背景 - 目前臺灣語的態度和表現之間的空隙

  1. 正面的態度、無感的行動
  2. 正面的態度、被動的表現

背景 - The current gap between attitude and performance of Taigi

It is noteworthy that the language backgrounds of the subjects were similar to the 2014 survey in that more than 75% of the subjects have at least one Taigi-speaking parent.

Socially, in such a context(post Martial Law), speaking for the long-suppressed values and rights, including languages, was generally expected. Methodologically, these surveys and studies were mainly processed through direct questionnaires.
Given the possible methodology bias and the social atmosphere bias of the previous studies, the current study aims to survey people's attitudes towards Taigi from a more neutral position. Socially, it has been three decades since the commencement of Taigi RLS movements...Despite the fact that people in general remain passionate towards politics in Taiwan, the acute atmosphere of democratisation and liberalisation in the early days of the Taigi RLS has moderated. Methodologically, this study adopted both indirect and direct methods to survey the language attitudes.


  1. 戒嚴、解嚴的脈絡
  2. 目的是欲用較中立的角度,看這馬一般人對臺灣話的態度
  3. 臺灣話RLS干焦無像早期(拄解嚴彼時陣)彼時遐積極矣
  4. 這篇研究主要用著間接和直接的方法,做問卷來調查

四个speakers,全女性,攏是臺南人(which is considered a Taigi friendly city),攏是臺華雙語者,對語言掌握度(language competence,語言能力)差不多和年歲是有關係的,照臺灣話的掌握度佮年紀分做Old-H、Old-L、Young-H、Young-L,而且這四个人攏無對教育系統學過臺灣話,也就是這四个人的臺灣話攏是對生長的環境學來的。

  1. Old-H:1953年出世,臺灣話上native,華語有明顯的腔
  2. Old-L:1954年出世,外省人,華語差不多是母語,臺灣話是對細漢時佮其他臺灣話使用者學來的
  3. Young-H:1993年出世,佇厝來抑是對朋友攏是講臺灣話,毋過掌握度無比Old-H懸
  4. Young-L:1993年出世,干焦對阿公阿媽講臺灣話爾,明顯有受著華語影響,毋過伊的臺灣話算是輾轉的







1. p, t, k, h               2. [g-]、[-m]




小月(華) ←→ 阿月、阿月仔(臺)


Pilot participants

Experiment/survey participants

佇頭拄仔三十个人攏認為錄音是有法度比較的了後。就另外揣160个人來做聽頭前的測驗,閣加做一个問卷。這160个人照年歲分做Old group(1940~1954出世,平均66歲)和Young group(1980~1994出世,平均25歲)。後壁會直接共叫做participants。





第2, 5, 7:語言掌握度



第1, 2:對語言的印象,和第3第4有關係

第5, 6:實用性

第7, 8:推廣性

第9, 10:少年的程度

Old group對兩个H的評分攏明顯比兩个L懸足濟;Young group的評分就看會出四位speaker的分法是'Young-H > Old-H > Old-L, Young-L'

對Young group來講,怹認為Young-H的表現上好,而且是好足濟,甚至講Old-H的分數和另外兩个L的攏差不多,咱會使佇足濟項內面看著這个結果。


Irish、Welsh:The more English interferences are shown, the more likely he or she will be graded lower on the prestige scale - 臺灣話純粹主義受著挑戰。

In addition to the native speaker-driven purism in revitalisation, we believe that the Mandarin-only policy
may incidentally have been involved Taiwanese people's generally purist attitudes towards language:因為進前創過獨尊華語的政策,所以阮(論文)認為這促使臺灣話使用者更加有純粹化的意識。



佇咧少年人的態度頂面,干焦感情的部分,是和序大相siâng的,其他的部分,尤其是少年程度,明顯低真濟,甚至比中點的3分閣較低。這个研究結果,作者認為對臺灣話的發展來講,是一个無好的現象(sentimentally positive while prospectively negative or at least doubtful)。


少年人的臺灣話始hông接受矣(...young people's Taigi speech was appreciated by listeners, as long as they were native in terms of fluency and wording.)

討論 - 樂觀的展望


...contradictory predictions regarding Taigi revitalisation...innovative Taigi, that is, the L2 Taigi, or Mandarin- coloured Taigi, was negatively evaluated. Young people’s attitudes presented in the direct survey showed that they are in general psychologically passionate while passive in action. However, young native Taigi speech was highly evaluated.

20180327 - 研究方法 - The entanglement of emotion and reality an investigation of the Taiwanese people's attitudes towards Taigi

By lzong

20180327 - 研究方法 - The entanglement of emotion and reality an investigation of the Taiwanese people's attitudes towards Taigi

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