Meteor London Meetup
Mike Zacher
Maciek Stasiełuk
- Why we build Universe
- What is Universe?
- Demo
- Future of the Universe
Why we build Universe?
- Code maintenance
- Reusability of code
- Complex applications
- Quick bootstraping
Write functionality once and use on multiple projects
What is Universe?
Package ecosystem based on Meteor for building modular real-time applications
- Packages designed to
work independently or together - Modular architecture
- Router agnostic
- React as default frontend
Basic building blocks
Universe doesn't have a core, but...
- Universe Modules
- Universe Collection
- Universe CMS
Universe Collection
- Meteor Collections on steroids
- Helpers on documents, easy extending
- Nice API: updates directly on the doc etc.
- Plays well with other packages like
Collection2, Collection Hooks etc. - EJSON-able
- Works also on Users collection
You can test it now and give us feedback:
meteor add vazco:universe-collection
Universe Modules
- Brings ES6 modules into Meteor
- Based on Babel and SystemJS
- Write code in a modular way
- Especially useful when working with React
- Code is simpler to understand
- Syntax is friendly and future-proof
You can test it now and give us feedback:
meteor add universe:modules
Universe CMS
Building CMS features should be quick
- Context-aware components
- Easy management of entities
- Example usage:
- blog / news / pages
- editable footer / regions
- Example components:
- drag&drop image upload
- image gallery
- etc.
Other Universe packages
- profile management
- chat/messenger
- user streams
- notifications
- user groups
- comments
- events
- etc...
On our roadmap
- Wait for official React support
- Refactor existing packages
- Release Universe into the wild!
- Build new components
Follow progress at
Universe - London
By Maciej
Universe - London
- 1,410