Mafinar Rashid Khan
Product Manager
Panacea Systems Ltd
In this presentation
Basic whirlwind tour on AngularJS
Some AngularJS Concepts
What is AngularJS
Superheroic JavaScript Framework
HTML Enhanced JavaScript
Just one of the few cooler post-2012 JavaScript frameworks
Brought to you by Google
Roller coaster warning
Most new-comers end up having love-hate-(love-hate)*-love relationship with AngularJS
The very basic
Let's see some pieces of code first.
<!-- HTML -->
<div ng-controller="GreetCtrl">
<p>Good {{ time }}, {{ name }}</p>
function GreetCtrl($scope) {
$scope.time = "Morning";
$ = "World";
Good Morning, World
What we see here
Two-way Data Binding
JavaScript inside HTML
Like little fill-up the blanks
blanks are the JavaScript
- Context of Expression is the Scope
- Example: 1+1 is {{ 1 + 1 }}
Simple JavaScript constructor function
Houses $scope
$scope.x becomes {{ x }} in template
Every controller can have their own little scope
Two-way Data Binding
Changes in scope variables are immediate in both places
<div ng-controller="GreetCtrl">
<input ng-model="name" />
<p>Good Morning, {{ name }}</p>
function GreetCtrl($scope) {
$ = "World";
Another one...
<!-- HTML -->
<div ng-controller="GreetCtrl">
<select ng-options="time in times" ng-model="selectedTime"></select>
<ul ng-repeat="time in times">
<li ng-show="time == selectedTime">
Good {{ time }}, {{ name }}
<li ng-hide="time == selectectedTime">
<strike>Good {{ time }}, {{ name }}</strike>
function GreetCtrl($scope) {
$ = "World"; $scope.times = ["Morning", "Afternoon", "Evening", "Night"];
When did ng-hide become an attribute of <li>, and where did the <options> go?
Welcome to Directives
Directives allow you to write your own HTML tags and elements
Or make it seem so
Massive help in reusability
Most plugins and libraries make you use their directives
A different approach than that of unobtrusive one
- Quick Roundup: ng-controller, ng-show, ng-hide, ng-model, ng-options
- There's more than one needs/thinks of already!
Directives are...
AngularJs functions with special little rules
Can mimic element (i.e <google-map></google-map>)
Can mimic attributes (i.e. all that you've seen)
Can mimic classes (i.e. <li class="strike-through">...</li>)
You have to write your own directives
But hopefully, write it only once
var app = angular.module("app", []);
app.controller("GreetCtrl", function($scope) {
$scope.time = "Morning";
$ = "World";
app.directive("sayHello", function() {
return {
restrict: "E",
template: "{{ time }}, {{ name }}"
<!-- HTML -->
Some of the cool stuff you can do with directives
<panel tabbed> <tab> <tab-title>Tab 1</tab-title> <tab-content> <lorem-ipsum /> <!-- ;-) --> </tab-content> </tab> </panel>
<leaflet-map locations="assets" refresh-interval="10 seconds" provider="google"></leaflet>
<calendar events="events" title="School Events Calendar" on-click="eventForm"></calendar>
With great power comes great learning curve
Advanced directives would easily take an entire session
Some important recaps...
AngularJs introduces two-way binding
Scopes are the bridge that connects JS with HTML through controllers
Controllers occupy chunk of HTML real estate
$scope-s are the context of that HTML real estate
The Angular Way of Thinking
Plan everything before hand, let not the experience come as an afterthought
Think in terms of Architecture
The HTML is your view, make use of it
Directives are awesome, and it feels great to use it
Angular concepts that I skipped
- Validation
Unit Testing
Scopes are more than meets the eyes
Scope inheritance and isolated scope
$rootScope, $on, $emit, $broadcast
- $apply and the digest cycle
Awesome AngularJS libraries
Thank You !!!
By Mafinar Khan
This is a basic introduction to AngularJS and a whirlwind tour of some of its features, along with fleeting mention of some of the intermediate/advanced ones.
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