Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning for Skeleton Action Recognition
- In this paper they propose a new contrastive self-supervised learning method for action recognition of unlabelled data.
- The main objective is to get effective feature representations of skeleton sequences under a simple contrast learning framework.
- Inspired from many recent studies like "Learning Representations by Maximizing Mutual Information Across Views"
Main Objectives:
- Compared with RGB images, body joint time-series (skeletons) are effective descriptors of actions, which are robust against the background and lighting changes.
- Although recent methods have achieved remarkable progress with the development of deep neural networks, most methods rely on strong supervision on action labels.
- The key challenges in action recognition lies in the large variety of action representation when motions are captured from different viewpoints.
Related Work:
- Unsupervised Learning in Skeleton Action Recognition:
- Recurrent-based sequence (Seq2Seq) model
- GAN encoder-decoder(LongTGAN)
- Variant of Viewpoints and Distance in Skeleton Action Recognition:
- View Adaptive Neural Networks for High Performance Skeleton-based Human Action Recognition
Given a skeleton sequence S with T frames, under the global coordinate system, we denote the set of joints in the t-th frame as
Contrastive Learning Framework:
Experimental Protocol:
56,880 action samples in 60 action classes performed by 40 distinct subjects | 114,480 action samples in 120 action classes performed by 106 distinct subjects |
Kinect V2 | Kinect V2 |
3 cameras from different horizontal angles: −45 , 0 , 45 | 32 setups, and every different setup has a specific location and background |
Two protocols 1) Cross-Subject (Xsub): Training data comes from 20 subjects, and the remaining 20 subjects are used for validation. 2) Cross-View (X-view): Training data comes from the camera 0 and 45 , and validation data comes from camera −45 |
Two protocols 1) Cross-Subject (X-sub): Training data comes from 53 subjects, and the remaining 53 subjects are used for validation. 2) Cross-Setup (X-setup): picking all the samples with even setup IDs for training, and the remaining samples with odd setup IDs for validation |
1) Datasets:
2) Model Setting:
- Larger batch sizes.
- Layer-wise Adaptive Rate Scaling (LARS) as Optimizer.
To understand the effects of individual transformation of the skeleton and the importance of transformations composition, the experiment will be repeated multiple times
By Manideep Ladi cs20m036
- 326