Quantum Dynamic Programming in Qibo

How to use quantum computers programmed by quantum information?

Can quantum states program a quantum computer?

Can quantum information be the source code?

What would it be good for?

Kay Giang - NTU Singapore

J. Son et al, arxiv:2403.09187

Introduction to
Dynamic Quantum Algorithm

What is a dynamic quantum algorithm?

Dynamic Quantum Algorithm

  1. Consider a data qubit \(\sigma\) and an instruction qubit \(\rho\)
  2. Make an infinitesimal rotation by applying partial SWAP (\(\delta\)SWAP) gate, realized by Heisenberg interaction

  3. Discard the instruction qubits and prepare a fresh copy of \(\rho\)

Toy model example: Density Matrix Eponentiation

Goal: Approximate the unitary \(e^{it\rho}\)

XX + YY + ZZ
XX + YY + ZZ

Kjaergaard et al., arxiv:2001.08838

Dynamic Quantum Algorithm

4. Repeat the partial SWAP and fresh preparation

\sigma \to e^{idtM\rho}\sigma e^{-idtM\rho} + O(M^{-1})

5. If the infinitesimal rotation duration is \(dt\) then after \(M\) steps we will have

6. The circuit will be exactly the same even if we use different qubit states

XX + YY + ZZ
XX + YY + ZZ

Kjaergaard et al., arxiv:2001.08838

Density Matrix Exponentiation

  • Density matrix \(\rho\) is Hermitian \(\to\) can use as operator
  • In summary:
    • DME implements an infinitesimal rotation about an axis defined by instruction qubit 𝜌 on data qubit 𝜎 (where \(\delta = \theta/N\)):\[\sigma\to e^{-i\rho\delta}\sigma e^{i\rho\delta}\]
    • After Trotterization, DME implements: \(U = e^{-i\rho\theta}\)
  • Again, this is dynamic because \(\rho\) is only determined at runtime

Dynamic Quantum Algorithm

  • Quantum algorithms that are dynamic: their operation is revealed on runtime.
  • Question 1: How to use quantum computers programmed by quantum information?
  • Answer: Using dynamic quantum algorithm, which:
    • Take an unknown density matrix
    • Design a circuit that will meaningfully use this quantum information as an instruction

Dynamic Quantum Algorithm

  • Question 2: Can quantum information be the source code?
  • Answer: Kimmel et al. (arxiv 1608.00281) shows that this model is basis of a universal model for quantum computation
  • Questions 3: What would QDP be good for?
  • Answer: 
    • Example usage: QDP provide a universal circuit that compute the Schmidt spectrum
    • QDP also gives more useful examples

Static vs Dynamic

  • Usual quantum computing is static: To change operation, we have to change the circuit
  • Dynamic quantum computing: To change operation, only need to change instruction qubit

Normal way we do quantum computing: Static

Dynamic Quantum Computing

Kjaergaard et al., arxiv:2001.08838

Existing literature

Kjaergaard et al., arxiv:2001.08838

Motivation for

Quantum Dynamic Programming

What is Quantum Dynamic Programming (QDP) good for?

What is a quantum recursion

  • Definition:
  • The recursive state is instructing the propagation
  • Dynamic: The unitary is different for different states
  • Problems:
    • What is a meaningful \(U(\psi)\)?
    • To calculate \(\ket {\psi_2}\) will we need to recalculate \(\ket {\psi_1}\) and calculate \(U(\psi_1)\)?
    • For higher order terms, do we need to recalculate all lower terms?
  • Solution: QDP shows how to do it in a quantum coherent way.
\ket{\psi_1} = U(\psi_0) \ket {\psi_0}\\
U(\psi_0) \neq U(\psi_1)\\ \text{if } \psi_0 \neq \psi_1
\ket{\psi_2} = U(\psi_1) \ket{\psi_1}\\

Quantum recursion examples

  • Examples of meaningful unitaries for quantum recursions:
    • Grover rotation:
      G(ψ1)=U0†G(ψ0)U0=id−2∣ψ1⟩⟨ψ1∣G^{(\psi_1)} = U_0^\dagger G^{(\psi_0)}U_0=\mathbb{id} - 2\ket{\psi_1}\bra{\psi_1}
    • Grover search: Add static unitaries Q and R that don’t depend on the state:
    • Density Matrix Exponentiation: Give rise to dynamic Grover rotation implementation:

\(G=id - 2\ket\psi\bra\psi\)

\(U^{(\psi)} = QG^{(\psi)}R\) with \(Q,R\in U(D)\)

G = e^{i\psi s}

Quantum recursion examples

  • Reduced group commutator:
  • We can use this to diagonalize

Marek DBI paper, arxiv:2206.11772

QDP paper, arxiv:2403.09187

Unfolding quantum recursions

Consider Grover reflector: \(G=id - 2\ket\psi\bra\psi\) 

\(Q,R \in U(D)\), initial state \(\ket{\psi_0}\), \(\ket{\psi_{k+1}} = QG^{(\psi_k)}R\ket{\psi_k}\)

\begin{align*} G^{(\psi_1)} &=\mathbb{1} - 2\ket{\psi_1}\bra{\psi_1}\\ &=\mathbb{1} - 2U(\psi_0) \ket{\psi_0}\bra{\psi_0}U(\psi_0)^\dagger\\ &=U(\psi_0)(\mathbb{1}-2\ket{\psi_0}\bra{\psi_0})U(\psi_0)^\dagger\\ &= U(\psi_0) G^{(\psi_0)}U(\psi_0)^\dagger \end{align*}
\begin{align*} U(\psi_0) &= QG^{(\psi_0)}R\\ \ket{\psi_1} &= QG^{(\psi_0)}R\ket{\psi_0} \end{align*}

However, it's more complicated to get \(\ket{\psi_2}\). To do this, we need to get \(U(\psi_1)\). Ordinary idea:

Reflection of \(\psi_1\) is the rotated reflection of \(\psi_0\)

To get \(\ket{\psi_1}\) is simple:

\begin{align*} \ket{\psi_2} &= QG^{(\psi_1)}R\ket{\psi_1}\\ &={Q(QG^{(\psi_0)}R)G^{(\psi_0)}(QG^{(\psi_0)}R)^\dagger R QG^{(\psi_0)}R\ket{\psi_0}} \end{align*}

Motivation for QDP

  • Unfolding the recursion make the depth grow exponentially
  • Using placeholder memory is not straightforward with quantum computing
  • Notice that the unitary \(U(\psi)\) depends on \(\ket\psi\). Can we use the state to steer the evolution?
  • Quantum Dynamic Programming (QDP), a framework that uses copies of the recursive state to implement the recursion step unitary
  • This is dynamic because the instruction state is revealed only on runtime
  • QDP yields exponential reduction in circuit depth than when unfolding

Quantum Dynamic Programming

J. Son et al, arxiv:2403.09187

Quantum Dynamic Programming

  • QDP speed up recursion of the form (single memory call):
    \[ U^{(\mathcal{N},\rho)} =  V_2e^{i\mathcal{N}(\rho)}V_1\] where \(\mathcal{N}\) is any Hermitian-preserving map
  • Memory call: Idealized transformation we want to make. It asks for memory (instruction state \(\rho\)).
  • General case:

  • Problem: We can't implement this naturally in qunatum mechanics

Quantum Dynamic Programming

  • Solution: QDP approximate this memory call unitary:

  • QDP does this by using memory usage query:

    where \(N\) is the operator of the memory usage query, the partial transpose of the Choi matrix corresponding to \(\mathcal{N}\)
    • Consume (trace out) an instruction state
  • Repeat this procedure M times, we obtain
\mathcal{E}_s^{(N,\rho)}(\sigma) = Tr_\rho [e^{-iNs} (\rho\otimes\sigma) e^{iNs}]
E^{(\mathcal{N},\rho)}(\sigma) = e^{i\mathcal{N}(\rho)} \sigma e^{-i\mathcal{N}(\rho)}
\mathcal{E}^{(\mathcal{N},\rho,M)}_{QDP} \coloneqq (\mathcal{E}^{(\mathcal{N},\rho)}_{1/M})^M = E^{(\mathcal{N},\rho)} + O(1/M)

Quantum Dynamic Programming

Example: Density Matrix Exponentiation

  • Memory call unitary:                                                            
    \[E^{(\mathcal{N},\rho)}(\sigma) = e^{i\rho\theta} \sigma e^{-i\rho\theta}\]
  • Memory call operator: \[\mathcal{N}\rho = \rho \to \mathcal{N} = id\]
  • Memory usage query operator: \[N = \delta SWAP\]
  • Memory usage query: \[\sigma\to\text{Tr}_\rho[e^{-i\text{SWAP}\delta}(\sigma\otimes\rho) e^{i\text{SWAP}\delta}]\]

Quantum Dynamic Programming

Example: Double bracket iteration

  • Double bracket iteration step with instruction operator \(H\):
  • Memory call operator: \(\mathcal{N} =-is[D,\rho]\)
  • Memory usage query:

  • Memory usage query operator:
\rho_{n+1} = e^{s_n[D,\rho_n]}\rho_ne^{-s_n[D,\rho_n]}
\mathcal{E}_s^{(N,\rho)}(\sigma) = Tr_\rho [e^{-iNs} (\rho\otimes\sigma) e^{iNs}]

Quantum Dynamic Programming

Example: Oblivious Schmidt decomposition

  • Bipartite pure state \(|\psi\rangle\) has a Schmidt decomposition: 
|\psi\rangle_{AB} = \sum_j \sqrt{\lambda_j} |\phi_j\rangle_A|\chi_j\rangle_B
  • Double bracket iteration of OSD: 
e^{i\mathcal{N}(\psi_n)} = e^{s_n[D,\rho_n^(A)]}\otimes \mathbb{I}_B
  • Memory usage query:
  • Memory usage query operator:

Density Matrix Exponentiation (DME) in Qibo

How does DME model work in Qibo?



Kjaergaard et al., arxiv 2001.08838

Memory usage query in DME

  • Goal: DME approximate the rotation (the memory call):
    \[U = e^{-i\rho\theta}\]
  • DME replace the infinitesimal angle memory call unitary (where \(\delta = \theta/N\)): \[\sigma\to e^{-i\rho\delta}\sigma e^{i\rho\delta}\] by the memory usage query \[\sigma\to\text{Tr}_\rho[e^{-i\text{SWAP}\delta}(\sigma\otimes\rho) e^{i\text{SWAP}\delta}]\]
  • DME then does \(N\) memory usage queries (Trotterization):
DME(\rho,N,\theta) = e^{-i\rho\theta} + O\left(\frac{\theta^2}{N}\right)

DME flowchart

\text{Tr}_\rho[e^{-i\text{SWAP}\delta}(\sigma\otimes\rho) e^{i\text{SWAP}\delta}] \\ = e^{-i\rho\delta}\sigma e^{i\rho\delta}+O(\delta^2)

Problem of Entanglement

  • To use quantum info from \(\rho\), we need it to interact and correlate with \(\sigma\)
  • How do we avoid entanglement between \(\rho\) and \(\sigma\)?
  • Example: the Bell state circuit create entanglement

How DME avoid entanglement

  • DME uses a series of partial SWAP gate, realized by Heisenberg interaction: \(H_{\text{Heisenberg}} = e^{it{(XX + YY + ZZ)}}\)
  • DME relies on the relation:

  • Where, after the partial SWAP, by tracing out the instruction qubit, we get in first order the desired rotation
  • The data qubit is in a pure state since the rotation is infinitesimal

DME in Qibo

DME tutorial notebook

QDP code structure

QDP code structure

There are 2 important parts of a QDP circuit: 

  • Memory call circuit:
    • How many instruction qubit to use
    • How to get N copies of the instruction qubit
  • Memory usage query (circuit):
    • Define the operator used to generate the unitary rotation
    • (in the case of DME the 𝛿SWAP)
  • Memory call circuit: How many instruction qubit to use, how to get N copies of the instruction qubit
  • Memory usage query (circuit): Define the operator used to generate the unitary rotation (in the case of DME the 𝛿SWAP)
  • 𝛿SWAP is decomposed into 3 CNOTs and single qubit rotations



  • QDP applications:
    • Useful for 2+ qubits
    • We need 3 CNOTs per step
  • DME has been realized only once
    • Only for 2 qubits
    • Maybe we can compile it better?
  • Oblivious Schmidt Decomposition (OSD) is from March this year
    • It is interesting already for 4 qubits
    • Can be an original algorithm for demonstration
  • DME and OSD implementation in Qibo

Copy of Quantum Dynamic Programming in Qibo

By Marek Gluza

Copy of Quantum Dynamic Programming in Qibo

I will present to you Quantum Dynamnic Programming, a new protocol that let us use quantum computers programmed by quantum infomation, and our pull-request on Github.

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