wax: minimal iiif for experiments, exhibitions, and pedagogy

marii nyrop

columbia university libraries


is an extensible workflow for producing static scholarly exhibitions with minimal computing principles, e.g.,

minimal maintenance,

minimal learning curve,

minimal connectivity,

& maximum reuse. [1]

needs fewer resources and less time to build and maintain, allows greater customization and experimentation.

style revolution

scholarly exhibition of fashion plates from the journal des dames et des modes (1797-1804). [2]

produced by graduate and undergraduate students during a barnard/columbia course led by anne higgonet and alex gil using wax


[1] minimal computing (tl;dr): go-dh.github.io/mincomp/

[2] style revolution: stylerevolution.github.io/

[3] wax repository: github.com/minicomp/wax/

[4] wax demo: minicomp.github.io/wax/

[5] wax wiki: minicomp.github.io/wiki/#/wax/

[6] bunraku collection: bunraku.library.columbia.edu/

[7] biggert collection: dlc.library.columbia.edu/biggert/

[8] sudan historical photo archive:  sudanphoto.uofk.edu/

[9] wax annotation demo: marii.info/annotate/

        mariinyrop           mnyrop

Wax: Minimal IIIF for Experiments, Exhibitions, and Pedagogy

By marii

Wax: Minimal IIIF for Experiments, Exhibitions, and Pedagogy

IIIF Conference | Library of Congress | 2018

  • 3,424