what is minimal computing?

minimal computing asks

  what do we need ?

what do we want ?

what do we have ?

what don't we need ?

what don’t we want ?

what don't we have ?



  • minimal design, dependencies, maintenance, consumption, learning curve, connectivity, surveillance, vulnerabilities, automation, technical language

  • maximum access, accessibility, justice, mobility, negotiation

minicomp strategy:

static sites

minicomp strategy:

static site generators (pt. 2)

  • software that generate "static" site content, including HTML pages using templates
  • let you generate resources on your own computer instead of relying on a server to do it
  • let you generate resources in advance instead of dynamically / "on request"
  • are generally much more efficient than web applications
  • don't need databases
  • produce sites that are more secure
  • produce sites that are cheaper to host

minicomp case study:


marii's minicomp tl;dr

  • know who your people are
  • remember that access isn't abstract or uniform
  • separate "data", "prose," and "presentation" as much as possible
  • keep data and prose in open, clean formats
  • architect projects to spend the most time on what you most enjoy
  • use third party services (e.g., google, github)  strategically; have exit strategies

web dev visit: what is minicomp?

By marii

web dev visit: what is minicomp?

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