Angular libraries with Ivy


Migration guide

Ivy ? 🤔


In a nutshell 🌰

New Renderer since version 9

Focusing on small bundle size

Together with Bazel up 30% faster compilation time

Angular Apps should be easier to debug




Backwards compatibility?

Angular provides two compilers:


  • Ngtsc (Ivy compiler): compiles Ivy-compatible code

  • Ngcc (Compatibility Compiler): Convert old style modules  

And Libraries?


That's me, Martina

GDE in Angular


Women Techmakers Ambassador


Trainer and Consultant




The issues of compiling Angular projects


Compiling Angular projects


  • The Code that will be compiled with Ivy uses the ngtsc compiler

  • Libraries, npm modules, other dependencies are already precompiled

    • incompatible to the way ngtsc compiles Angular code

  • Angular team provides the compatibility compiler 

Angular Compatibility Compiler (ngcc)


Compatibility Compiler


  • ngcc scans node_modules and produces Ivy-compatible versions of each package

  • detects the Angular Package Format (APF) and searches for .metadata.json file and the package's entrypoint

  • creates output directory ngcc_node_modules (default)

Compatibility Compiler





Ok, what about the Libs now?


Angular Libs with Ivy


Using Libraries

Lib author

Using incompatible Libraries


Entrypoints failure


#1: Error: Failed to compile entry-point <packagename> due to compilation errors:

The issue:

ngcc wasn't able to find a proper entrypoint for converting instructions nor able to create wrapper files

Possible solution (1)


  • Make sure your dependency is on the latest version
  • Provide configuration to modify how ngcc views entry-points to packages:
    • Giving metadata information for ngcc to find the correct files
    • Provided inside a ngcc.config.js file at the root of the package

Example ngcc.config.js


Possible solution (2)


  • Create a ngcc configuration for the compiler to ignore it
    • create your own wrapper classes and patch files
  • Remove the package from your dependencies
  • Try to avoid dependencies not following the APF
  • Open a PR for the Library maintainer

Angular Libraries as an Author


Recommendation for lib authors


  • You need to publish View Engine AOT-compiled Angular libs
  • Additionally publish AOT-compiled libraries for version > 10


Libraries can be compiled ahead-of-time and be published as such to NPM, GitHub Packages etc.


Supporting both compiler


  1. Using Git tags or branches to divide the code
  2. To support differences between View Engine and Ivy we can use detection logic
    • can be used to detect ivy components, ivy directives etc.

Angular Ivy detection


Breaking changes:


Prepare your library for ngcc


  • The compatibility compiler can require some changes to your library
  • Use the ngcc validation project by the Angular team
  • Provide your libraries in a proper Angular Package Format ...
  • ... or with proper entrypoint configuration

Angular Package Format:

Do I need to add EVERYTHING manually?




ng-packagr transpiles your libraries to Angular Package Format


>>npm install -D ng-packagr




  • Implements APF
  • can be consumed by Angular CLI, Webpack ...
  • creates type definitions
  • Inlines templated and Stylesheets



  • Publish ViewEngine AOT-compiled bundle for version 9
  • Publish an Ivy AOT-compiled bundle for Angular version 10
  • Use the ngcc library 
  • Resolve Ivy compatibility issues
  • support differences between both compilers
  • make sure you follow the Angular Package Format


Ping me:


Thank you !!!

Copy of Angular Libs with Ivy

By Martina Kraus

Copy of Angular Libs with Ivy

angular Libraries

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