experiments control

of EBS beamlines

presented by Matias Guijarro

Beamline Control Unit, Software Group

ESRF, Grenoble, France

Extremely Brilliant Source (ESRF – EBS) project

  • 150 M€ investment over the period 2015-2022
  • 4th generation light source
  • 100x improved brilliance and coherence of X-ray beams
  • New state-of-the-art beamline portfolio

Full details in talk: FRAPL07


BeamLine Instrumentation Support Software


spec: 26 years driving experiments at ESRF

  • Direct control of devices
    • easier to debug
    • restarting = reset
  • Integrated tool
    • configuration
    • controllers for all kinds of devices
    • plotting
  • Server mode to connect with external processes (GUI...)
  • Commercial support
  • Poor macro language
  • No extensibility
  • Single task operation
  • Exclusive hardware control
  • Per-session configuration, no sharing
  • No built-in continuous scan framework
  • Limited data management
  • No code ownership, less freedom

spec: 26 years driving experiments at ESRF



Maintenance cost

The path to BLISS

  • Python library + tools

  • Technical choices

  • Beacon: services for BLISS

  • Hardware control

  • Scanning & data acquisition

  • Data management

  • Sequences as genuine Python functions

BLISS Python library and tools

BLISS Python library and tools

Embed into any Python program

>>> from bliss.common.axis import Axis
>>> from bliss.controllers.motors import IcePAP
>>> iceid2322 = IcePAP.IcePAP("iceid2322",
                              {"host": "iceid2322"},
                              [("mbv4mot", Axis, { "address": 1, 
                                                   "steps_per_unit": 80,
                                                   "velocity": 125,
                                                   "acceleration": 500
                              )], [])
>>> iceid2322.initialize()
>>> m = iceid2322.get_axis("mbv4mot")
>>> m.velocity()
>>> m.acceleration()
>>> m.position()

BLISS Python library and tools

Command Line Interface based on ptpython

matias@kashyyyk:~ % bliss -s test_session
test_session: Executing setup...
Initializing 'heater`
Initializing 's1hg`

>>> ascan(m1, 0, 10, 30, 0.1, diode, save=False)
Total 30 points, 3.0 seconds

Scan 4 Mon Sep 11 11:58:03 2017 <no file> test_session user = guijarro
ascan m1 0 10 30 0.1

  #  timestamp  m1  diode
  0  1.50512e+09   0  499.112
  1  1.50512e+09  0.345  500.799
 28  1.50512e+09  9.655  505.622
 29  1.50512e+09  10  499.883

BLISS Python library and tools

Configuration web application

BLISS Python library and tools

Graphical interface for users: interactive web shell

BLISS technical choices

BLISS key concepts

All I/O based on gevent

cooperative multi-tasking

Direct hardware control

Distributed control ownership & shared state

Persistent settings


 Transient data store

Scan acquisition chain, represented as a tree

BLISS modular architecture

online data analysis

data visualisation

data archiving


services for BLISS


Beacon static configuration service

Web interface for configuration editing

Beacon server


Devices & sequences configuration in YAML format

Sessions to group


Python setup file

User scripts

Can replace TANGO DB

Conversion script provided

Beacon: example configuration

sybil:~/local/beamline_configuration % tree
├── beacon.rdb
├── eh
│   ├── diode.yml
│   ├── __init__.yml
│   └── motors
│       ├── bv.yml
│       ├── DtoX.yml
│       ├── __init__.yml
│       ├── md2.yml
│       ├── mirror1.yml
│       ├── slits.yml
│       └── table.yml
├── oh
│   ├── bpm.yml
│   ├── __init__.yml
│   ├── motors
│   │   ├── bv.yml
│   │   ├── __init__.yml
│   │   ├── mono.yml
│   │   ├── slits.yml
│   │   └── transfocators.yml
│   └── wagos.yml
└── sessions
    ├── id232.yml
    └── __init__.yml
- controller:
    class: IcePAP
    host: iceid2322
    - name: mbv4mot
      address: 1
      steps_per_unit: 817
      velocity: 0.3
      acceleration: 3


motor object

Beacon dynamic services

Beacon server,

services built on top of

Transient data store

Persistent settings cache

Message broker

  • state sharing
  • distributed lock

BLISS Hardware Control

Direct hardware control

image/svg+xml .yml class: IcePAPhost: iceid001axes: - name: psy1 address: 3 ... - name: psz1 address: 4 ... config IcePAP def read_position(self, axis): ...def start_all(self, *motion_list): ... psy1 psz1 Axis settings axis.psy1.dial_position: axis.psy1.offset:... axis.psy1.dial_position: axis.psy1.offset:... 123.4-99.10 -634.710.36 from bliss.config.static import get_configcfg = get_config()psz1 = cfg.get(‘psz1’)psz1.move(200)... Beacon static config settings

Management of concurrent access

  • Multiple BLISS processes means concurrent access
    • distributed control ownership
    • based on a protocol: ask Beacon for permission
  • State coherence
    • hardware state is shared between all peers via channels

Management of concurrent access

image/svg+xml .yml BLISS process A IcePAPcontroller psy1 BLISS process B IcePAPcontroller psy1 psz1

Management of concurrent access

image/svg+xml .yml BLISS process A IcePAPcontroller psy1 BLISS process B IcePAPcontroller psy1 psz1

acquire lock

Management of concurrent access

image/svg+xml .yml BLISS process A IcePAPcontroller psy1 BLISS process B IcePAPcontroller psy1 psz1

ok !

acquire lock

Management of concurrent access

image/svg+xml .yml BLISS process A IcePAPcontroller psy1 BLISS process B IcePAPcontroller psy1 psz1

ok !


acquire lock

Management of concurrent access

image/svg+xml .yml BLISS process A IcePAPcontroller psy1 BLISS process B IcePAPcontroller psy1 psz1


psy1 locked to A

state channels update



BLISS scans

  • Acquisition chain
    • a tree with master & slave nodes
    • master triggers data acquisition
    • slave takes data
  • AcquisitionMaster, AcquisitionDevice
    • wrappers around BLISS control objects
  • Data writer
    • HDF5

Continuous scan example



m0  position

m0  speed

detector frame triggering



m0  position

m0  speed

detector frame triggering

Continuous scan example

sybil:~ % bliss
>>> from bliss.scanning.chain import AcquisitionChain
>>> from bliss.scanning.acquisition.motor import SoftwarePositionTriggerMaster
>>> from bliss.scanning.acquisition.lima import LimaAcquisitionDevice
>>> from PyTango.gevent import DeviceProxy

>>> m0 = config.get("m0")

>>> lima_dev = DeviceProxy("id30a3/limaccd/simulation")

>>> chain = AcquisitionChain()

>>> chain.add(SoftwarePositionTriggerMaster(m0, start=5, end=10,
                                                npoints=10, time=5),
              LimaAcquisitionDevice(lima_dev, acq_nb_frames=5, acq_expo_time=0.03,

Continuous scan example

>>> SCAN_SAVING.template = '/data/id23eh2/inhouse/{date}/{sample}'

>>> SCAN_SAVING.sample = 'HAK1234'

>>> SCAN_SAVING.get_path()

>>> from bliss.scanning.scan import Scan

>>> my_continuous_scan = Scan(chain)

>>> my_continuous_scan.start()

Classic step-by-step scans

  • Directly available as functions from 'bliss.common.standard'
    • Example: ascan(axis, start, stop, npoints, count_time, *counters)
  • Default acquisition chain
  • Use the same underlying framework as continuous scans

Data Management

Model for organizing acquired data

  • Mirroring of the Acquisition Chain tree

    • each device in the chain has a name

    • each device define 1 or more 'AcquisitionChannel' objects

  • Acquisition channels

    • must have a name, a type and a shape

  • Metadata

    • scan_info dictionary ({ key: value, ... }) associated with scans

Online data publishing

  • While a scan is running, data is published to the redis database provided by Beacon

    • scalar values are stored directly

    • bigger data (images, spectra) is just referenced

    • configurable time to live (TTL)

  • Any external process can access redis data to perform online data analysis, for example



Sequences as Python functions

from bliss import * # imports generic scans, cleanup functions, etc
from bliss.setup_globals import * # imports objects from session (setup)
import numpy # I know you dreamt of it
import gevent

def set_detector_cover(in):
    wcidxx.set('detcover', in)
    # 5 seconds timeout waiting for detector cover to move
    with gevent.Timeout(5):
        while wcidxx.get('detcover_in') == in:

def my_super_experiment(name):

    old_att = attenuators.get()

    def restore_beamline():

    with cleanup(safety_shutter.close):  # cleanup is always called at the end
        with error_cleanup(restore_beamline):  # this will only be called in case of error

   = name
            data_node = dscan(m0, -5, 5, 10, 0.1)
            for data in data_node.walk_data():
              # do something useful with data...

Sequences as Python functions

from bliss import * # imports generic scans, cleanup functions, etc
from bliss.setup_globals import * # imports objects from session (setup)
import numpy # I know you dreamt of it
import gevent

def set_detector_cover(in):
    wcidxx.set('detcover', in)
    # 5 seconds timeout waiting for detector cover to move
    with gevent.Timeout(5):
        while wcidxx.get('detcover_in') == in:

def my_super_experiment(name):

    old_att = attenuators.get()

    def restore_beamline():

    with cleanup(safety_shutter.close):
        with error_cleanup(restore_beamline):

   = name
            data_node = dscan(m0, -5, 5, 10, 0.1)
            for data in data_node.walk_data():
              # do something useful with data...
with cleanup(safety_shutter.close): # cleanup is always called at the end
    with error_cleanup(restore_beamline):  # only called in case of error

Use of Python context managers for cleanup

Normal Python functions

Easy timeouts with gevent.Timeout

# 5 seconds timeout waiting for detector cover to move
with gevent.Timeout(5):
    while wcidxx.get('detcover_in') == in:


Project state

  • Current state of deployment
    • MX beamlines are already running BLISS
    • 3 more beamlines (Materials Science) for the end of the year
    • Full deployment in 2020
  • Project is in active development


  • Long term project for EBS beamlines
  • Control paradigm: keep what works, add new concepts
  • Python scanning framework
  • Prepared for current and future challenges
    • scans with online feedback
    • data management
    • evolutive platform


BLISS core development team

+ ESRF BCU contributing members: A. Beteva, M.C.Dominguez, M. Perez,  J. Meyer

ESRF Software Group: A. Goetz

A. Homs

E. Papillon

J. Bodera

C. Guilloud

J. Bodera

M. Guijarro

T. Coutinho

S. Petitdemange

V. Michel

(final) ICALEPCS 2017 - BLISS: experiments control of ESRF EBS beamlines

By Matias Guijarro

(final) ICALEPCS 2017 - BLISS: experiments control of ESRF EBS beamlines

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