White Rabbit Culture

Freedom and Responsibility

Our Mission

Our mission is focused on helping overseas customers buy from Japan. Our core strategy is to grow our shop, buying and forwarding service business, while maintaining our high level of customer care. We are continuously improving the customer experience and choosing, first and foremost, to solve customer pain with everything we do.


  • To be the most trusted, customer-friendly way to buy from Japan.
  • To enable Japanese sellers to reach the global market.



  • 2003 White Rabbit Press publisher of Japanese language learning materials

  • 2004 White Rabbit Japan Shop for hard-to-find Japanese language products

  • 2005 White Rabbit Express a proxy buying service for Japanese products

  • 2016 Blackship.com a Japan-based package forwarding service


A company's actual values
are shown by who gets hired, rewarded, or let go

Actual company values are the behaviors and skills
that are valued
in fellow employees

At White Rabbit, we particularly value the following nine behaviors and skills in our colleagues...

...meaning we hire and promote people who demonstrate these nine


You make wise decisions
(people, technical, business, and creative) despite ambiguity


You solve root causes, not symptoms.


You think about the big picture, and can explain what you are, and are not, trying to do


You smartly separate what must be done well now, and what can be improved later


You listen well, instead of reacting fast, so you can better understand


You are concise and articulate in speech and writing

You treat people with respect independent of their status or disagreement with you


*You maintain calm composure especially when collaborating


You accomplish amazing amounts of important work

You demonstrate consistently strong performance so colleagues can rely upon you


{CUT?} You focus on great results rather than on process


[awkward?] You exhibit bias-to-action, and avoid analysis-paralysis

(MVC - minimal viable change

better is enemy of the good enough)


You learn rapidly and eagerly


You seek to understand our strategy, market, customers, and vendors


You are broadly knowledgeable about business, technology and eCommerce


You contribute effectively outside of your specialty


You re-conceptualize issues to discover practical solutions to hard problems

You challenge prevailing assumptions when warranted, and suggest better approaches


You create new ideas that prove useful


You keep us nimble by minimizing complexity and finding time to simplify


You say what you think even if it is controversial

You make tough decisions without agonizing

You take smart risks


You question actions
inconsistent with our values





You inspire others with your thirst for excellence


You care intensely about White Rabbit's success


You celebrate wins


You are tenacious


You are known for candor and directness


You are non-political when you disagree with others


You only say things about fellow employees you will say to their face


You are quick to admit mistakes


You seek what is best for White Rabbit, rather than best for yourself or your group

You are ego-less when searching for the best ideas


You make time to help colleagues


You share information openly and proactively

Why do we care so much about high performers?

Hard work is not relevant


We measure results, not hours.


Sustained A-level performance, despite minimal effort, is rewarded with more responsibility and great pay


  • In procedural work, the best are 2x better than average.

  • In creative/inventive work, the best are 10x better than the average.

Imagine if every person at White Rabbit is someone you respect and learn from...

A Great Workplace is

Amazing Colleagues

A great workplace is not espresso, bean bag chairs, lush benefits, ping pong tables, or grand parties

Honors commitments

We do what we promise each other, our customers, and our partners

Our model is to increase employee freedom as we grow, rather than limit it, to continue to attract and nourish
innovative people, so we have better chance of sustained success

Growth Increases Complexity


Chaos Emerges


% High Performance Employees

Chaos and errors spike here - business becomes too complex to run informally with this talent level

Process Emerges to Stop the Chaos


No one loves process, but feels good compared to the pain of chaos

Process-focus drives more talent out

% High Performance Employees

Process Brings Seductively Strong Near-Term Outcome

  • A highly-successful process-driven company
  • With leading share in its market
  • Minimal thinking required
  • Few mistakes made--highly efficient
  • Few curious innovator-mavericks remain
  • Very optimized processes for its existing market
  • Efficiency has trumped flexibility

Then the Market Shifts

  • Market shifts due to new technology, competitors or business models
  • Company is unable to adapt quickly
    (because the employees are extremely good at following the existing processes, and process adherence is the value system)
  • Company generally grinds painfully into irrelevance

Seems Like Three Bad Options

  1. Stay creative by staying small, but therefore have less impact
  2. Avoid rules as you grow, and suffer chaos
  3. Use process as you grow to drive efficient execution of current model, but cripple creativity, flexibility, and ability to thrive when your market eventually changes

A Fourth Option

Avoid chaos as you grow with ever more high performance people - not with rules

  • Then you can continue to mostly run informally with self-discipline, and avoid chaos

  • The run informally part is what enables and attracts creativity

The Key: Increase Talent Density faster than Complexity Growth

Business Complexity

% High Performance Employees

Minimize Complexity Growth

  • Few big projects vs many small ones
  • Eliminate distracting complexity (barnacles)
  • Be wary of efficiency optimizations that increase complexity and rigidity

Note: Sometimes long-term simplicity is achieved only through bursts of complexity to rework current systems


Summary of Freedom and Responsibility

  • As we grow, minimize rules

  • Inhibit chaos with ever more high performance people

  • Flexibility is more important than efficiency in the long term


  • Short verbal answers. Give short answers to questions, then the other party can ask more or move on.
  • Keep broadcasts short.
  • Work in small iterations. Look to make the quickest change possible to improve the outcome. Instead of writing a large plan considering starting with the first step. Small iterations make it quicker to get feedback from others.

Value of Teamwork

The more talent we have, the more we can accomplish, so our people assist each other all the time to elevate everyone's ability and skill

Helping others is a priority, even when their goal is not your goal. You are encouraged to ask for help and advice when needed.


Anyone can chime in on any subject. The person responsible for the task decides how to do it but should always take the suggestions of others seriously and try to respond and explain.

Negotiate Success

  • ideas on relationship with boss, seeking feedback, clarifying expectations

We're a team; not a family

We're like a pro sports team,
not a kid's recreational team

White Rabbit managers
hire, develop and cut smartly,
so we have stars in every position

The Keeper Test

Managers should ask themselves: which of my people, if they told me they were leaving, for a similar job at a peer company, would I fight hard to keep at White Rabbit?

The other people should be let go now, so we can open a slot to try to find a star for that role.

Context over Control

Context (embrace)

  • Strategy
  • Metrics
  • Assumptions
  • Objectives
  • Clearly-defined roles
  • Knowledge of the stakes
  • Transparency around decision-making

Control (avoid)

  • Top-down decision-making
  • Management approval
  • Committees
  • Planning and process valued more than results

Good Context

  • Link to company/functional goals
  • Relative priority (how important/how time sensitive)
    • Critical (needs to happen now), or...
    • Nice to have (when you can get to it)
  • Level of precision & refinement
    • No errors (credit cards handling, etc...), or...
    • Pretty good/can correct errors (website), or...
    • Rough (experimental)
  • Identify key stakeholders
  • Define key metrics/definition  of success

Managers: When one of your talented people does something dumb, don't blame them


Instead, ask yourself what context you failed to set

Managers: When you are tempted to ''control'' your people, ask yourself what context you could set instead

Are you articulate and inspiring enough about goals and strategies?

Why Manage Through Context?

High performance people will do better work if they understand the context

Investing in Context

This is why we do new employee on-boarding, why we are transparent about decision-making, and why we are so open internally about strategies and results

Exceptions to "Context, not Control"

  • Control can be important in an emergency

    • No time to take long-term capacity-building view

  • Control can be important when someone is still learning their area

    • Takes time to pick up the necessary context

  • Control can be important when you have the wrong person in a role

    • Temporarily, no doubt

Accept mistakes

If you make a mistake own it. Acknowledge it and fix it. Ask for help if needed. Inform others of impact if necessary.


Mistakes happen and will be forgiven. Hiding mistakes however is unacceptable.


When there is conflict, manage it

Some workplaces seek to avoid conflict, but we believe high-performance teams often deliver their best results when they manage conflict constructively. People are expected to stop fighting each other and to search for the right answer together.


Fight like you're right; listen like you're wrong.

Compensation Rules

  1. What could person get elsewhere?
  2. What would we pay for replacement?
  3. What would we pay to keep that person?
    (If they had a bigger offer elsewhere)

We develop people by giving them the opportunity to develop themselves, by surrounding them with stunning colleagues and giving them big challenges to work on.


Mediocre colleagues and non-challenging work kill a person's skill development

Your Economic Security is based on your Skills and Reputation

We try hard to consistently provide opportunity to grow both by surrounding you with great talent

Welcome to White Rabbit!

White Rabbit Culture 2.0

By Max Hodges

White Rabbit Culture 2.0

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