Double Page Spread Analysis

Q Magazine DPS

This is the first thing you would see as soon as you turn the page to the double page spread. The photographer has captured this image to be almost sexual but at the same time curious as to what is fully happening in the image. The colours are quite bland, Lana is looking pale but a tint of her red hair showing through on the right hand side represents her personality trait as it is stereotyped that people with red hair are fiery and confident. The blue lighting on the left hand side gives the image a vintage look with the simple gold necklace that Lana is wearing. The vintage look is contrasted by her fake nail, which have been designed to the 21st century design. The target audience for this photo seem to be for males because of the way the image is portrayed but also just for Lana's fans. The vintage look also represents her genre of music which is pop mixed with 1950s and 1960s Americana.

The first thing you can see is the big S on the page behind the text. I think the S represents the 'She' in the paragraph that is in the bigger font size rather than the text on the right hand side. Its almost as if the page is directing the reader to show them where to start reading first. The text on the left hand side has a bigger font size to the text on the right showing its importance. The text on the left has been written out like a story with a cliffhanger at the end to make the reader think about Lana Del Ray's life. Many people may find it boring to read through all the text on the right hand side therefore the magazine must have made the text on left more interesting and suspenseful that they would want to read the text on the right. Lana Del Ray's name has been written on the top right hand side but it does not stand out that much, suggesting that the magazine assumes that everybody knows who she is that it does not have to be completely stated.

NME Magazine DPS

This image on the left page of the double page spread is of David Bowie. The photo being black and white gives off a vintage look which can represent the age of his music. As he is a rock artist, he is wearing black clothing which can be seen as stereotypical. His facial expression is as if he is pulling his face back; pulling his wrinkles back, to make him look younger. This can also portray stress, this could add more depth to the article about him on the right hand side of the DPS. This can represent youth and give the reader ideas about what the story can be about with just looking at the image. He almost looks as if he is wearing eye liner, linking that to his genre of music which is rock. 

The colours used on this page are but black and white but the effects made make it vintage, linking it back to the image on the left hand page. "It keeps dragging me back..", this is what stands out the most on that page making it seem like it is what will hook the reader onto reading the article. David Bowie''s name is finally mentioned in the middle text of the page, suggesting that people already know him to not having to see his name. The use of just black and white represents the genre of artist which is rock. The target audience for this article would be male ages 25-50 considering that David Bowie used to make music before this generation therefore it would be more for the elders. More male also as the genre rock may not be that popular for females. I like the simplicity of the double page spread as it makes it effortless which is what i would want for my own DPS.

ILovePop Magazine DPS

This is on the left hand side of the double page spread. The colours represents the facial expressions of the band and also the genre of music they play. Pop music, which is also shown by what the magazine is called. The colours are bright and fun which suggests that the rest of the magazine is also fun and interesting. The target audience seems to be young teenage girls from ages 11-16 as the band shows a sense of 'kid-ish' behavior. The masthead 'JL-XMAS' seems to be a whitty attempt of a pun as the bands name is JLS so they combined that with the fact it is a Christmas issue. The also shows childish behavior that young girls will understand. I like the colours used as it makes it exciting especially because of the target audience as specific colours need to be chosen depending on the audience.

This magazine has used the band to create an article where they are being interviewed about Christmas. This would be extremely popular for JLS's core fans who want to know everything about them. Christmas is a fun and exciting time for young kids therefore it makes the article even more interesting as all the questions are about Christmas. There are two pictures at the bottom of the page which balances out the level of text and pictures. The answers of the band has been cut down to make sure that it is short and quick but also fun for the girls to read. On this page also, bright colours such as pink and purple has been used which are 'girly' colours, representing the target audience of the magazine. The stripes on around the page make it seem like a border which looks really snazzy and amusing for the target audience.

Metal Hammer Magazine DPS

The masthead on this page stands out the most because of the contrasted colour between the text and the background. The text of the masthead matches the font it is (blood). The background of the image shows somebody playing an electric guitar. The person has long hair and seems to be wearing all black although the colour cannot be seen properly. This is a stereotypical representation of a metal fan. The colour of the image seem to be black and white but also an over layer of red tint which links back with the text which is 'true blood' as blood is red. The target audience is male and females from the ages of 19-40 as it is seems that the content would be for more mature people. The genre of the magazine is heavy metal hence the person with long hair playing his electronic guitar. The way the image has been captured in the moment makes it more real and cooler for the audience.

Again, the main colours on this page is red, white and black even though there are different shades of it. The colours shows the reader what kind of genre and audience the magazine is targeting. The images at the top of the page are made to look scary because of the lighting and what appears to be blood dripping down the first 2 peoples faces. This also links with the masthead on the other page 'True Blood'. This magazine has not made it clear what the article is about. whether it is one artist or a band. People who are a fan of heavy metal may know but for someone like me who do not listen to this genre of music, it is hard to understand. The star in the background was also on the other page suggesting that it is maybe a logo or a symbol of representation for the band/artist. The font of the text in white seems like a spooky font, showing the audience the genre of the magazine with just the font alone.

Total Guitar magazine DPS

This is the left page from the double page spread. It is very simple and minimalistic as there is just a large mast head, a background image, 2 people and a small text on the left side. It gives out a really chill vibe from the magazine as if they are all about simple things, nothing showy, just all about the music. The genre of the magazine is split between the guy holding an electric guitar suggesting that the magazine is more towards the rock, punk and metal genre but the guy on the right holding an acoustic guitar which suggests the genre is acoustic and blues which contrasts all those similar but different genres together to make one with all the different guitars as the magazine is called 'Total Guitar'. I love how simple the but bold this page looks. The way the guys are dressed so simple just portrays their characteristics of being more about the music than their looks. ​ I think that the target audience is males from the ages of 18-35 as it is all about guitars which can be to people just like them.

The images of the background shows that the magazine did not want to keep it boring with just text all over so they decided to add more photos. The mid shots of each guy show their importance to this article. The text at the bottom which has a bigger font size than the rest of the text stands out as if it is the bands quote that they live by making it really important to the article. The plain dark colours make the article look more meaningful. It is a counter stereotype as when magazines use dark colours, it is thought the magazine would be a more rock and metal however, the magazine has managed to pull off the dark colours to be extremely subtle so that it looks calm. For my own magazine, I would make my dark colours look subtle too so that my audience do not misunderstand with my genre. 

5 Double Page Spread Analysis

By mshresthaa

5 Double Page Spread Analysis

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