I have created 3 drafts for each of the following to help me my final magazine:
-Front cover
-Contents page
-Double page spread

My first draft for my mock up is completely stereotypical of how a normal magazine is laid out with the main image at the center, main coverline at the bottom and the two sides filled with artists names and images. The use of many images allow the audience to immediately understand what genre the magazine is targeting; however, for my own genre, this layout looks too bundled up and all over the place. There is too much going on in the cover as most RnB magazine allows the focus to mainly be just on the masthead and main image.

This is my second front cover draft. It is very simple compared to my first draft which allows the main focus to be just the image and masthead. The good thing about this is that it is not over crowded with information which wouldn't suit my genre however, this cover seems quite boring as there is not much to see or read on the cover which could not appeal to the audience. The use of barcode and price allows the customers to know what price which is always handy.

This is my final draft for my front cover. The cover is not filled with lots of information about the magazine but it still has the artists names on the left hand and it is simple which fits perfectly for my genre of RnB as it allows the main image to be the center for attention which will attract and appeal the audience but also the audience to understand what genre the magazine is targeting. However, as the main image is fitted to the whole page, this could make it hard to see the fonts. I will incorporate my 2nd and final drafts together to create a front cover.

This is my first draft of my contents page. The layout is simple and how most magazines contents pages are because of the way the the numbers and pages are listed vertically down the page. The good thing is that it will allow the audience to clearly read each point but it just seems quite plain as there is just one image on the page meaning the rest of the page would just be blank. This would not look appealing for my audience as RnB magazines tend to stand out on every page therefore this would not attract my targeted audience.

My second draft of my contents page has more images on the page aswell as a background image. This allows my contents page to look more fun and attractive, this is fitting for my genre as I would be able to put different artists images on the page so that it represents all the RnB artists. The only bad thing is that all the images could clash and look awkward with there being a background aswell.
This is my final contents page draft, it is completely different from both my first and second draft as i wanted to try a new approach to the layout. This layout makes it seem like the page is more spacious meaning information and images could all fit on that page because of the way it is laid out. Instead of just numbering the pages and writing what is each page is about, adding an image saves that extra time and also looks more appealing for the audience. Adding the masthead logo onto the page is good as it keeps reminding the audience about what magazine it is.


This is my first draft for my double page spread. It is different to stereotypical double pages as the text goes from one page to the next with the artists name in the center with the masthead logo. This would look appealing as it spreads on from one page to the next however, this could be hard for the audience to read the magazine because of the background image that will fill the whole background of the double page spread.
This is my second draft for my double page spread, the layout of this draft is the stereotypical to most music magazines. It is simple but still appealing to any sort of audience. The only thing I do not like about this layout is that it looks extremely basic, although it is appealing, it does not pop out to me. The text on the right hand page seems like it would be overloaded with text which would make my magazine boring therefore I want a balance between my image and text.

This is my final double page spread, this has a mixture of the second draft with the text on the right hand side but the image is big enough to fill through to both pages. This makes it look more like stereotypical double page spreads but it will look appealing as it means there is less white spaces on the page. With less, I can also add less text to the article as the pages would already be filled up with the image therefore it will look more fun than boring.

By mshresthaa
- 951