In Forge of Empires
- Flash
- OpenFL
- WebGL

Trick 1: SubBitmapData
- extends BitmapData
- references a texture region
- doesn't "cut-out" a new texture
Trick 2: Batching
... is problematic
Problem 1
No batching in OpenFL

Problem 2
Naive batching is useless

Multi-texture batching

Usual drawing
- Bind some texture
Upload vertex positions and texture coordinates
- Draw vertices with that texture using a shader

Multi-texture drawing
- Bind as many textures as the video card supports
- In addition to position and texture coordinates, add texture id to the vertex data
- Draw vertices with all these textures at once with a bit more complex shader

- Every renderable object is just like a Bitmap in the end
- We replace the bitmap render method to add the object into the batch instead of rendering it
- After the stage is traversed, flush whatever remains in the batcher

Batching algorhithm
- On stage traversal:
- Collect rendered objects (quads)
- On flush:
- Prepare vertex data for the collected quads
- Also group them into "render groups", each of which define a single draw call:
- slice of vertex data to draw
- multiple textures to bind
- Upload vertex data
- Iterate over render groups and do actual drawing
- Bind group's textures
- Draw the corresponding slice of vertices
Forge of Empires UI consists of hundreds of Flash display objects
...but we use texture atlases and that SubBitmapData trick, so not that much textures on the GPU...
With up to 16 textures batched together, instead of doing 300 draw calls we do just 15 of them, hitting 60fps on a shitty laptop in MS Edge
All without reworking the actual game code or assets \o/
Further thoughts
Instanced rendering?
FoE rendering
By Dan Korostelev
FoE rendering
- 1,168