
Visual studio Code
- First released by Microsoft in 2015
- Constantly improving with montly releases
- Cross-platform, free and open-source
- Based on Electron and written in TypeScript
- Minimalistic, yet very powerful
- Easily extended
Visual studio Code

Language server
- Protocol for IDE services
- Simple, based on JSON-RPC
- Language-agnostic
- Editor-agnostic
- Many clients (vscode, eclipse, vim, emacs, atom, sublime, etc)
- Many servers (haxe, js, ts, ocaml, java, c#, go, rust, php, c++, etc)


- Controls and encapsulates Haxe completion server
- Written in Haxe!
- (Should be) possible to use without vshaxe
- Extension for VS Code (but not only)
- Syntax highlighting
- IDE features throuh Haxe Language Server
- Tasks, Dependency explorer, and other quality of life features
- Also written in Haxe, easy to contribute
- Great documentation!
Usability and Extensibility
- Zero-configuration setup with HXML files
- Extensible by third-party extensions
- Lime extension is already there
- Easy switching between configurations
VS Code externs
- VS Code is easily extended
- Develop tools for your specific needs
- See marketplace for inspiration
- Haxe externs available (and used for vshaxe, codedox, vscode-checktyle, lime extension, etc).
Future plans
- Work on Haxe compiler for better IDE services (code hints, refactoring, etc.)
- Integrate hxparser for code structure awareness.
- Implement/improve coding and debug workflow for Haxe targets
Dan Korostelev (@nadako)
Haxe Summit 2017
By Dan Korostelev
- 2,249