Team Ferozepurwale
Nihal Singh
Akash Trehan
Arpan Banerjee
Want a book?
But don't want to buy it!
You buy the book but it remains in your bookshelf untouched after the first read!
An app which connects people to potential lenders of a single use commodity.
Borrowers find lenders around their location or in their friend circle.
Building a trust based community of readers, gamers, movie-buffs and more
Live Demo
Market and Execution
Target audience: All the readers, gaming enthusiasts, movie lovers, etc encompassing entire masses.
Community Building: Creating a trust-based community driven by user ratings based on number of returns and lending history.
Initial Target group: Colleges and university which predominantly run a sharing system, work groups and literary clubs.
Ads: Suggestion from bookstores or second hand sellers to buy a book when searching.
Future Improvements
Location based search suggestions based on users nearby.
Filter options for choosing facebook friends, display distance wise etc.
A verification mecahanism using Razorpay's API for caution money. Confirming book return by sending an OTP to the lender when the borrower returns the book. Typing the OTP will return the caution money to the borrower.
Maintaining a user rating based on number of returns and lending history
Request buying from a user who has put an item for lending.
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LendIt InOut
By Nihal Singh
LendIt InOut
- 1,155