Create your workshop using Ethereum Play

Clone the workshop-create-workshop

git clone

Go to the cloned folder

cd workshop-create-workshop

Install dependencies (node modules)

npm install

Open the folder in atom

(or your preferred editor)

atom .

Replace workshop.json with your workshop.json

Open the browser

(best suited for this project is Chrome)

Start the project locally

npm start

Tweek the workshop.json

& once you are satisfied let's go and publish it

Create a new repository on Github

Copy to add remote

Remove old remote

git remote remove origin

Add new remote

git remote add origin

Git add, commit and push to master

git add -a

git commit -m 'Initial commit'

git push origin master

See the code in your workshop repo

Click settings tab on your Github repo

Select master branch to enable github pages

Open the link to your live workshop page

Share this link with the world

or redirect it to your custom domain


By Nina Breznik


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