DevOps - Past, Present and... Future?

Nir Cohen @  



What changed

  • Online

  • Mobile

  • Scale

  • IOT

Software is eating the world

- Marc Andreesen, 2011

  • Amazon - largest retailer
  • Google - largest ad & marketing
  • AirBnB - largest hotel chain
  • Uber - largest taxi company
  • Skype - largest intl telecom
  • LinkedIn - largest recruitment agency


Know what DevOps actually is so that can employ it in your workplace.


Traditional IT

  • No Automation

  • Failure prevention

  • Broken communication

  • Developers and Operations are blind

  • Lead by bureaucracy

DevOps 2009? What?

  • Break Silos
  • Change culture from above
  • Avoid Conway's Law
  • Automation state of mind (Lead by code)
  • Measure system and people
  • Cross team knowledge

March 2015, Netflix bandwidth in north-america holds 37% of all internet traffic - NY Digital

How did Netflix?

Reaction from Fortune 100 CTO


But Netflix has a superstar development team, we don't!

Adrian Cockroft's response:


Netflix hired them from you, then got out of their way


DevOps 2016? WHAT!?

  • Team?
  • Tools?
  • Job?
  • Automation?
  • Culture?

DevOps at Gigaspaces

(No Ops)

  • Let go of bureaucracy
  • Let go of hierarchy
  • Encourage to innovate
  • Encourage to learn
  • Concentrate on process improvements
  • Brainstorm
  • Measure performance and help improve
  • Automate everything
  • Build cross-functional teams
  • Step further: culture comes from everyone
  • Trust


That DevOps thing...

By Nir Cohen

That DevOps thing...

A short introduction to DevOps

  • 1,174