
  • Introduction of Vue js

  • Vue js features

  • Advantages and disadvantages Vue js

  • Angular vs React vs Vue

What is Vue js ?

  • Open source progressive JavaScript framework to develop interactive web interface.

  • Created by Evan You

  • First version VueJS was released in Feb 2014

Vue js Features ?

Virtual DOM

Data Binding


  • Virtual representation of the DOM tree.
  •  Keeps your data (i.e. your Javascript variables, arrays etc) in sync with your DOM without you having to do anything
  • Helps create custom elements to be used in HTML

Computed Properties

  • Helps to listen to the changes made to the UI elements and performs the necessary calculations

Differences Features

Features  Angular React Vue
UI/DOM Manipulation
State Management
Form Validation & Handling
Http Client

Advantages of Vue js

Disadvantages of Vue js

Angular vs React vs Vue

Angular React Vue
Type   ​A Framework ​Library to build UI ​A library
Written in

​TypeScript JavaScript JavaScript
Founders Powered by Google Maintained by Facebook Created by Former Google Employee
Application Types Native apps, hybrid apps, and web apps SPA and mobile apps Advanced SPA and started supporting Native apps
Why Choose If you want to use TypeScript If you want to go for “everything-is-JavaScript” approach Easy JavaScript and HTML
Ideal for ​Focus on large-scale, feature-rich applications ​Modern web development and native-rendered apps for iOS and Android ​Ideal for web development and single-page applications
Framework Size ~500 KB ~100 KB ~80 KB

Angular vs React vs Vue

Angular React Vue
Model   Based on MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture Based on Virtual DOM (Document Object Model) Based on Virtual DOM (Document Object Model)

​Widely popular among developers More than 27,000 stars added over the year More than 40,000 stars added on GitHub during the year
Companies Using ​Google, Forbes, Wix, and Facebook, Uber, Netflix, Twitter, Reddit, Paypal, Walmart,
and others
Alibaba, Baidu, GitLab, and others

React vs Vue js

Hello World

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>React Hello World</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="greeting"></div>
  <script type="text/babel">
    var Greeting = React.createClass({
        render: function() {
            return (
                <p>Hello from React</p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Vue Hello World</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="app">
    new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    data: {
      message: 'Hello From Vue'

Google Trend 2020


Title Text

Introduction to Vue.js

By nur amirah

Introduction to Vue.js

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