Unit testing


Karma and Jasmine



  • Building and running unit tests
  • Basic blocks and structures
  • Loading fixtures
  • Unit testing services
  • Unit testing directives
  • Unit testing controllers
  • Mocking back-end responses
  • Spies
  • Links

Building and running unit tests

$ gulp build

Build project:

$ gulp test

Run tests:

Run once:

$ gulp test-dev

Watch changes:

Basic blocks and structures

  • describe()
  • module()
  • beforeEach()
  • inject()
  • it()
  • expect()

There are six most commonly used structures and blocks:

Grouping tests by topic:

describe(`Name of group or a module`, () => {

Importing AngularJS modules and dependencies:


Executing actions before each test:

beforeEach(() => {

Injecting services for further use in tests (underscore


let $rootScope;
let customService;

inject((_$rootScope_, _customService_) => {
    $rootScope = _$rootScope_;
    customService = _customService_;

Test case blocks:

it(`Should show a test block example.`, () => {

Assertion of a value:

it(`Should return 'Hello world'`, () => {
    let ahoy = 'Hello world';

    expect(ahoy).toBe('Hello world'); // will pass

Available assertion matchers:


Example test case:

describe('Reverse filter', () => {
  let $filter;
  const timezones = [
    '(GMT-11) Niue Time',
    '(GMT+0) Azores Summer Time',
    '(GMT+5) French Southern & Antarctic Lands Time',

  beforeEach(() => {

    inject((_$filter_) => {
      $filter = _$filter_;

  it('Wrong string value passed. Should return string', () => {
    expect($filter('timezoneLabel')('Hello world')).toEqual('Hello world');

  it('Proper value passed. Negative offset. Should return GMT +0', () => {
    expect($filter('timezoneLabel')(timezones[0])).toEqual('GMT -11');

  it('Proper value passed. Zero offset. Should return GMT +0', () => {
    expect($filter('timezoneLabel')(timezones[1])).toEqual('GMT +0');

  it('Proper value passed. Positive offset. Should return GMT +5', () => {
    expect($filter('timezoneLabel')(timezones[2])).toEqual('GMT +5');


Importing fixtures:

  • (optional) set mocks base path
let mock = fixture.load('mock_file.json');
  • load fixture from a file

Testing Services

Service test example:

Refer to menu.srv.spec.js

Testing directives

$scope = rootScope.$new(); // also a simple empty object will do

let element = $compile('<div custom-directive')($scope);
  • Compile directive before each test
it(`Should return 'Hello world'`, () => {
  let scope = $rootScope.$new();
  scope.value = '';

  const element = $compile('<div custom-directive="value"></div>')(scope);


  scope.value = 'Hello world';

  expect(element.text()).toBe('Hello world');
  • Run $rootScope.$digest() to apply scope changes

Testing Controllers

$scope = rootScope.$new(); // also a simple empty object will do

let CustomController = $controller('CustomController', { $scope });
  • get controller with $controller service before each test
am.controller('CustomController', function($scope, dependencyExample) => {});

const dependencyExample = { customMethod: (data) => data || [] };

let CustomController = $controller('CustomController', { $scope, dependencyExample });
  • mock dependencies if you need it

Mocking Back-end responses

  • expect
// will return a fixture
// will return success response
// will return error response
  • when

$httpBackend service


let rabbit = {
  jump: (direction) => console.log(`Jump ${direction}!`);

spyOn(rabbit, 'jump');


  • used to spy on methods and functions


Unit testing AngularJS with Karma and Jasmine

By Oleksandr Hutsulyak

Unit testing AngularJS with Karma and Jasmine

  • 374