Variables and Expressions
Narrated by Horst
draw_tree(225, 35)
draw_tree(420, 45)
draw_house(720, 60)
draw_snow_person(300, 20)
How to use variables (this chapter)
How to write expressions (this chapter)
How to create our own functions (the next two chapters)
How to Use Variables
Variable and Function Names
Good Variable Names
Bad Names, that still work:
temperatueInCelsius - Uses capital letters. Keep it lower case and use underscores.
x - Too short, and not descriptive.
Smith - Starts with a capital letter.
Names that don't work:
tree position - Can’t use spaces
4runner - Can’t start with a number
Variables that don't change are constants
They should be in all upper-case
PI = 3.14159
How to Create Expressions
Operator | Description |
+ | Addition |
- | Subtraction |
* | Multiplication |
** | Exponentiation |
/ | Division |
// | Integer division (always rounds down) |
% | Modulus (division remainder) |
Using Operators in Expressions
What's Different?
- Juxtaposition doesn't work - It doesn't multiply
- The '=' isn't an algebraic equality - It is an assignment
Juxtaposition Doesn't Work
Assignment Operators
Operator | Description |
= | Assignment |
+= | Increment |
-= | Decrement |
*= | Multiply |
/= | Divide |
Increasing a Variable
Increment/Decrement Operators
Using Expressions In Function Calls
Order of Operations
average = 90 + 86 + 71 + 100 + 98 / 5
average = (90 + 86 + 71 + 100 + 98) / 5
Printing Variables
7 Variables and Expressions
By Paul Craven
7 Variables and Expressions
- 1,090