Introduction to AngularJS
Pete Bacon Darwin
AngularJS 1.x Team Lead
FoodMe App
AngularJS Basics
- Adds behaviour to HTML
- ng-app - defines your Angular App
- Scope provides the data to the view
Data Binding
- {{ ... }} interpolation
- ng-model two-way binding
Step 1
Add Angular and basic bindings to the page:
- Load angular.js
- Add `ng-app` directive
- bind inputs to models with `ng-model` directive
- display models with `{{ ... }}` interpolation bindings
Step 2
Show and hide parts of the page dynamically
More directives
ng-show / ng-hide
- ng-click
Step 2
Show and hide parts of the page dynamically
- Show the form if `deliveryForm.visible`, using `ng-show`
- Hide the delivery info `deliveryInfo.visible`, using `ng-hide`
- Change `deliveryInfo.visible`, using `ng-click`
Angular Building Blocks
- Modules - define components
- Controllers - provide logic for a view
- Services - singleton helper objects and functions
Step 3
Move the deliveryForm behaviour into a Controller
Step 3
Move the deliveryForm behaviour into a Controller
- create an `app` module and a `FoodMeController` controller in `app.js`
- load the `app.js` file in the index.html page
- initialize the scope with a deliveryForm object
- add `showDeliveryForm()` and `hideDeliveryForm()` helper methods to `FoodMeController`
Step 4
Add a list of restaurants to choose from
Scope Hierarchy
- There is more than one scope
- $root scope
- child scope 1
- grandchild scope
- child scope 2
- child scope 1
- Useful for structural directives
- ng-repeat
- ng-if
Step 4
Add a list of restaurants to choose from
- Initialize a mock list of restaurants on the scope in the `FoodMeController`
- Bind the template to the list of restaurants using `ng-repeat` directive
Step 5
Implement sorting of the restaurant list
Angular Filters
- Functions that modify interpolated data bindings
- { someValue | myFilter : someParam }
- Built-in
- uppercase
- currency
- orderBy
- filter
Step 5a
Implement sorting of the restaurant list
- Initialize `sortProperty` and `sortDirection` on the scope for sorting columns
- Add a `orderBy` filter to the `ng-repeat` using this properties: `ng-repeat="restaurant in restaurants | orderBy : sortProperty : sortDirection"`
Step 5b
Implement sorting of the restaurant list
- Create helper methods in the controller, `sortBy(property)` and `getSortClass(property)`
- Convert the table headings to clickable anchors with `ng-click="sortBy('name')"` directives
- Display sort direction up/down markers using `ng-class="getSortClass('name')"` directives
Step 6
Create custom filter to display price and rating
Step 6
Create custom filter to display price and rating
- Create a custom `rating` filter in the `app` module - we must use `$sce.trustAsHtml` since we are generating HTML.
- Use the filter in the price and rating fields, with the `ng-bind-html` directive
Step 7
Add validation to delivery form
Step 7
Add validation to delivery form
- Load the `../js/angular-messages.js` file
- Add the `ngMessages` modules as a dependency of our `app` module
- Use `ng-messages` directive to display errors
- Fix up the initial value of `deliveryForm.visible` inside an `$scope.$evalAsync()` call
Step 8
Persist the delivery info in the local storage
Step 8
Persist the delivery info in the local storage
- Create a `localStorage' service to wrap the browser's localStorage object
- Create a `localStorageBinding` service that connects a property on the scope to the localStorage
- Load the new `localStorage.js` file
- Add the new `localStorage` module as a dependency to our `app` module
- Bind the `user` object to the localStorage using the `localStorageBinding` service
Cross Origin Requests
- Browser Security Feature
- Can only make HTTP requests to your own origin
- Possible Solutions
- Server Proxy
Step 9 (remote)
Load the restaurant data from a server
- Add the `$http` dependency to the `FoodmeController`
- Replace the static data with a call to get the restaurant data from a remote REST service (
Step 9 (local)
Hosting App and Data Locally
- Install a local webserver
- Start the server in the root of the project
- Browse to the application via this server: `http://localhost:8080/step-9`
- Get the restaurant data from the local server
Step 10
Filter the restaurants by price and rating
Step 10
Filter the restaurants by price and rating
- Add a new form to the left of the restaurant list
- Initialize the filters to `null`
- Watch the price and rating values and filter the restaurant list accordingly
- Change the `ng-repeat` directive to use the `filteredRestaurants`
Step 11
Add a cool rating directive for use in filtering
Custom Directives
- Define your own directives
- Provide templates and behaviour
- Request a new inner scope
- Bind values to the inner scope
- Interact with the DOM
Step 11
Add a cool rating directive for use in filtering
- Create a new file `rating.js` containing a `rating` module
- Load the `rating.js` file into the app
- Add the `rating` module as a dependency of our `app` module
- Define a `fmRating` directive in the `rating` module
- Use this directive in the Filter Restaurants form instead of the simple text input boxes
Step 12
Display the number of filtered restaurants
- Add a binding to the length of the `filteredRestaurants` collection using `ng-pluralize` directive
Step 13
Add transition animations to the delivery form
- Load `../js/angular-animate.js` file into the app
- Add a dependency on `ngAnimate` to the `app` module
- Add new class (`fade`) to the delivery form and delivery info elements to be animated
Step 14
Display details and menu for individual restaurants
- Exercise for the reader!
- Hint - look at ng-view and $route
Introduction to AngularJS
By Pete Bacon Darwin
Introduction to AngularJS
- 1,796